2023 BECE Grading System: Everything You Need to Know

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Ferdinand | EducationGhana | October 9 | 2023 BECE Grading System: Everything You Need to Know


Get insights into the grading system for the 2023 Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) released by WAEC. Understand the interpretation of grades and stay informed to avoid scams.”


Accra, Ghana: With the 2023 Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) in full swing, the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) has unveiled the grading system to provide candidates with a clear understanding of how their performance will be assessed.

The grading system for the 2023 BECE is as follows:

  • 90-100: Grade A (1) – Interpreted as Highest
  • 80-89: Grade B+ (2) – Interpreted as Higher
  • 70-79: Grade B (3) – Interpreted as High
  • 60-69: Grade C+ (4) – Interpreted as High Average
  • 55-59: Grade C (5) – Interpreted as Average
  • 50-54: Grade D+ (6) – Interpreted as Low Average
  • 40-49: Grade D (7) – Interpreted as Low
  • 35-39: Grade E (8) – Interpreted as Lower
  • 0-34: Grade F (9) – Interpreted as Lowest

Here is a breakdown of the 2023 BECE grading system:

Grade Percentage Interpretation
A 90-100 Highest
B+ 80-89 Higher
B 70-79 High
C+ 60-69 High average
C 55-59 Average
D+ 50-54 Low average
D 40-49 Low
E 35-39 Lower
F 0-34 Lowest


Check This Out 2023 BECE Marking to Commence on Monday, October 9

Warning Against Scammers:

WAEC has warned candidates sternly, advising them not to fall victim to scammers who may promise to “trace” their papers or manipulate their results. Such offers are total scams, and candidates are urged to exercise caution and report any suspicious activities.

The BECE, an important examination for students in their final year of Junior High School in Ghana, plays a significant role in determining their educational path and future prospects. Understanding the grading system is crucial for candidates as they await their results.

Candidates are advised to study hard and prepare for the BECE. The results of the BECE will be used to determine which senior high school candidates will be placed in.

It is also important to note that there is no such thing as paper tracing. Scammers may try to convince candidates that they can help them trace their papers and improve their grades. However, this is a scam and candidates should not fall for it.

The BECE is a very important exam, and candidates should focus on studying hard and preparing for the exam.

These grades offer a comprehensive assessment of a candidate’s performance, with Grade A representing the highest achievement and Grade F being the lowest.

It’s essential for candidates and parents to familiarize themselves with this grading system to have a clear understanding of their performance once the results are released.

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