UEW Launches Microbusiness Game Training Workshop to Enhance Practical Business Skills

UEW Launches Microbusiness Game Training Workshop to Enhance Practical Business Skills


Ferdinand EducationGhana | March 13 | UEW Launches Microbusiness Game Training Workshop to Enhance Practical Business Skills

“Join the University of Education’s innovative Microbusiness Game training workshop, in collaboration with industry partners, to gain practical insights into business operations. Register now for this hands-on learning experience!”



A Strategic Partnership for Practical Learning

The School of Business (SoB) at the University of Education, Winneba (UEW) has embarked on a groundbreaking initiative to enrich the practical business skills of students and staff.

In collaboration with the UEW Cooperative Credit Union and the Deutsche Sparkassensstiftung für internationale Kooperation (DSIK), the university has inaugurated a weeklong Microbusiness Game training workshop.

This strategic partnership aims to bridge the gap between academia and industry by providing participants with hands-on experience in micro-business operations.

Introduction of the Microbusiness Game

Central to the workshop is the introduction of the Microbusiness Game, a cutting-edge educational tool developed by DSIK.

This interactive simulation offers participants a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the complexities of running a microbusiness.

Through realistic scenarios and decision-making exercises, participants will gain practical insights into business management, financial literacy, and entrepreneurial strategies.

Testing the Efficacy of the Microbusiness Game

The primary objective of the workshop is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Microbusiness Game as a teaching instrument within the academic curriculum.

By engaging students, lecturers, and credit union staff in gameplay, the workshop aims to assess the game’s ability to enhance critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.

Through rigorous evaluation and feedback mechanisms, the university seeks to refine and optimize the use of the Microbusiness Game in future educational endeavors.

Empowering Future Business Leaders

In an era of rapid technological advancement and economic uncertainty, the demand for practical, experiential learning opportunities has never been greater.

The Microbusiness Game training workshop represents a proactive response to this challenge, equipping participants with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape.

By fostering collaboration, innovation, and hands-on learning experiences, the workshop empowers future business leaders to thrive in a dynamic and competitive environment.


The launch of the Microbusiness Game training workshop underscores UEW’s commitment to innovation, collaboration, and student-centered learning.

Through strategic partnerships and immersive educational experiences, the university is shaping the next generation of business professionals and leaders.

As participants engage with the Microbusiness Game, they embark on a transformative journey that will prepare them for success in the ever-evolving world of business. Join us at UEW and take the first step towards unlocking your potential in the field of business!

Provider committed to equipping educational institutions and individuals with the necessary tools, skills, and resources to maximize their potential.

 Press inquiries and Interview Requests

For press inquiries and interview requests, contact Africa Education Gateway at [email protected] or call +233 26 271 4106.


Scheme of Works  

  1. Term 2 JHS 1 TO 3 Sample Weekly  Scheme of Learning >>                Download
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  5. JHS 1 Ghanaian Language Termly and  Weekly SoL >                                 Download
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  10. Term 2: Nursery,  KG to Basic 6 Weekly Scheme of Learning               Download 

  11. JHS 3 Second Term Scheme of Learning                                               Download
  12. JHS 2 Second Term Scheme of Learning                                                Download

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. CCP Curriculum Materials

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