Undergraduate Programmes Offered at UPSA for the 2024/2025 Academic Year

UPSA Undergraduate Programmes Offered at UPSA for the 2024/2025 Academic Year

Ferdinand EducationGhana | April 12 | Undergraduate Programmes Offered at UPSA for the 2024/2025 Academic Year

“UPSA announces admissions for undergraduate and diploma programmes for the 2024–2025 academic year. Explore a wide range of options, including a Bachelor of Laws, a Bachelor of Science in Accounting, and a Diploma in Management. Apply now!”



University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA) Opens Admissions for 2024/2025 Academic Year

Apply Now for a Range of Undergraduate and Diploma Programmes

Undergraduate Programmes: Diverse Options for Aspiring Students

The University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA) invites qualified applicants to apply for a variety of undergraduate programmes for the 2024/2025 academic year. With options ranging from Bachelor of Laws (LLB) to Bachelor of Science in Marketing, aspiring students have a diverse array of fields to explore.

UPSA Invites Applications for the 2024–2025 Academic Year: Dual Qualification Policy Offers Students Unique Opportunities

Apply Now for Undergraduate and Post Graduate Programmes for the 2024/2025 Academic Year at the UEW

Highlighted Undergraduate Programmes:

  1. Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
  2. Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations Management
  3. Bachelor of Science in Logistics and Transport Management
  4. Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance
  5. Bachelor of Science in Business Economics
  6. Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science
  7. Bachelor of Business Administration
  8. Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Management
  9. Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies

Note: Applicants considering a first degree in Accounting are advised to choose between Bachelor of Science in Accounting or Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance.

Diploma Programmes: Pathways to Professional Development

In addition to undergraduate programmes, UPSA offers diploma programmes designed to provide practical skills and knowledge in various fields. Qualified applicants can apply for diploma programmes in Accounting, Marketing, Management, Public Relations, and Information Technology Management.

Highlighted Diploma Programmes:

  1. Diploma in Accounting
  2. Diploma in Marketing
  3. Diploma in Management
  4. Diploma in Public Relations
  5. Diploma in Information Technology Management


Apply Now for a Unique Academic Experience

Don’t miss the opportunity to join UPSA for the 2024–2025 academic year. Apply now for undergraduate, diploma, or postgraduate programmes and embark on a journey of academic excellence and professional growth.

Scheme of Works  

  1. Term 2 JHS 1 TO 3 Sample Weekly  Scheme of Learning >>                Download
  2. JHS 1 Social Studies Termly and  Weekly  Scheme of Learning >>>>       Download
  3. JHS 1 Computing Termly and  Weekly  Scheme of Learning >>                  Download
  4. JHS 1 Science Termly and  Weekly  Scheme of Learning >>>>                  Download
  5. JHS 1 Ghanaian Language Termly and  Weekly SoL >                                 Download
  6. JHS 1 Career Technology Termly and  Weekly  Scheme of Learning >       Download
  7. JHS 1 Mathematics Termly and  Weekly  Scheme of Learning >                 Download
  8. JHS 1 English Language Termly and  Weekly  Scheme of Learning >         Download
  9. JHS 1 French Termly and  Weekly  Scheme of Learning >                          Download
  10. Term 2: Nursery,  KG to Basic 6 Weekly Scheme of Learning               Download 

  11. JHS 3 Second Term Scheme of Learning                                               Download
  12. JHS 2 Second Term Scheme of Learning                                                Download

Visit HERE to check out many more scholarship opportunities.

Get these important resources:

. CCP Curriculum Materials

  1. CCP Curriculum for Basic 7 to 9                                               Download
  2. CCP Curriculum Training Manual for Teachers:                      Download
  3. CCP Curriculum Teacher and Learners Resource Packs:        Download
  4. PowerPoint Presentation on CC Curriculum for Basic 7-9              Download

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