Home Notices Teachers 2023 GES Promotions: Additional Qualifications for Master’s Degree and Ph.D. Holders Announced

2023 GES Promotions: Additional Qualifications for Master’s Degree and Ph.D. Holders Announced

Ferdinand EducationGhana | March 09 | 2023 GES Promotions: Additional Qualifications for Master’s Degree and Ph.D. Holders Announced

Learn about the additional qualifications required for Master’s Degree and Ph.D. holders applying for the 2023 GES promotions. Understand the criteria regarding approved courses of study, certificate issuance dates, and eligibility criteria.



As the 2023 promotions cycle for the Ghana Education Service (GES) commences, additional qualifications have been outlined for Master’s Degree and Ph.D. holders.

These qualifications aim to ensure that candidates meet specific criteria related to their academic credentials and professional development.

Approved GES Course of Study

Applicants with Master’s Degree and Ph.D. qualifications must have pursued their programmes in fields approved by the Ghana Education Service. This requirement ensures alignment with the educational priorities and objectives set by the GES.

Certificate Issuance Date

Furthermore, candidates utilizing Master’s Degree and Ph.D. certificates for promotion should have obtained their certificates on or after the date of their previous promotion.

This criterion ensures that the qualifications obtained contribute to the candidate’s continuous professional development within the GES framework.

Eligibility Timeline

Moreover, applicants are required to have obtained their Master’s Degree or Ph.D. certificates on or before 2021 to be eligible for promotion consideration in the 2023 cycle.

This timeline emphasizes the importance of timely academic achievement in line with career progression within the GES hierarchy.

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As Master’s Degree and Ph.D. holders prepare for the 2023 GES promotions, it is crucial to understand and fulfill the additional qualifications set forth by the Ghana Education Service.

By adhering to the requirements related to approved courses of study, certificate issuance dates, and eligibility timelines, candidates can enhance their prospects for career advancement within the education sector.

Candidates can get an Official Announcement Here

Mode of Application

All interested applicants are required to visit the official GES promotions website (www.gespromotions.gov.gh) from Monday, 26th February 2024, to complete the online application process. Applicants must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Complete the application form online and upload a passport-sized photograph.
  • Upload only the last Promotion, Upgrading, or Appointment Letter.
  • Applicants using Masters/Doctorate Degree must upload their certificates.
  • Ensure all documents uploaded are in PDF format, except for the passport-sized photograph.

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Application Deadline:

The deadline for submitting online applications is 31st March 2024. Applicants are advised to complete the application process and upload all required documents before the specified deadline.


Don’t miss this opportunity to advance your career within the Ghana Education Service. Apply for promotion to higher grades and take the next step towards professional growth and development. For more information and to apply, visit the official GES promotions website before the deadline.


Scheme of Works  

  1. Term 2 JHS 1 TO 3 Sample Weekly  Scheme of Learning >>                Download
  2. JHS 1 Social Studies Termly and  Weekly  Scheme of Learning >>>>       Download
  3. JHS 1 Computing Termly and  Weekly  Scheme of Learning >>                  Download
  4. JHS 1 Science Termly and  Weekly  Scheme of Learning >>>>                  Download
  5. JHS 1 Ghanaian Language Termly and  Weekly SoL >                                 Download
  6. JHS 1 Career Technology Termly and  Weekly  Scheme of Learning >       Download
  7. JHS 1 Mathematics Termly and  Weekly  Scheme of Learning >                 Download
  8. JHS 1 English Language Termly and  Weekly  Scheme of Learning >         Download
  9. JHS 1 French Termly and  Weekly  Scheme of Learning >                          Download
  10. Term 2: Nursery,  KG to Basic 6 Weekly Scheme of Learning               Download 

  11. JHS 3 Second Term Scheme of Learning                                               Download
  12. JHS 2 Second Term Scheme of Learning                                                Download

Visit HERE to check out many more scholarship opportunities.

Get these important resources:

. CCP Curriculum Materials

  1. CCP Curriculum for Basic 7 to 9                                               Download
  2. CCP Curriculum Training Manual for Teachers:                      Download
  3. CCP Curriculum Teacher and Learners Resource Packs:        Download
  4. PowerPoint Presentation on CC Curriculum for Basic 7-9              Download

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