EducationGhana| September 18|2022: Important Highlights of NAGRAT National Council Meeting held on September 15 at NAGRAT Office, Adabraka
1. NAGRAT has registered with National Teaching Council (NTC) as a certified Service provider and in due course would start organizing training workshops, seminars and other Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programmes for teachers.
2. NAGRAT in collaboration with other unions would ensure this year’s Professional Development allowance is paid. Teachers are encouraged to patronize CPD programmes to build their skills as well as their portfolios for license renewal.
3. NAGRAT has not had any discussion with any other Union to buy Pen Drive and Modem for any teacher. Teachers should therefore disregard any information to that effect.
4. The Association has made significant progress in the implementation of TIER 3 of the Pension Scheme. There would be further communications on that soon.
5. The Association has engaged PETRA TRUST as Fund Administrator for the Regional Fund/Welfare Scheme.
6. As part of efforts to improve the quality of the Union’s engagement, a Five (5) Member Education and Research Committee (Standing Committee) shall be formed to spearhead the research policy of the Union.
7. For effective engagement with management, NAGRAT shall have at the National Council Meeting a Representative from the Conference of Heads of Assisted Secondary Schools ( CHASS ) and Conference Of Directors Education (CODE) who is a member of NAGRAT in attendance.
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8. NAGRAT has observed that there are some teachers and administrators in the Second Cycle institutions who throughout the year have not gone on vacation or leave. This has a strong tendency of affecting productivity. NAGRAT shall continue to engage GES to address this worrying phenomenon.
9. Promotion of teachers continues to experience challenges, NAGRAT is calling on GES to engage the Union in addressing these challenges.
10. It is the prerogative of GES to transfer teachers, however, anyone transferred is entitled to two months of gross salary as a transfer grant. Some teachers have been transferred and for over two years now have not been paid their transfer grant. This must be addressed without further delay.
11. NAGRAT also opposes the mileage clause being used to deny teachers what is due to them.
12. Payment of Responsibility allowance to teachers still remains a challenge. NAGRAT is calling on the management of GES to resolve this without delay.
Also, teachers in the Basic Schools perform responsibilities such as Class Teachers, House Master/Mistress, guidance and counselling coordinators, but do not receive any allowance. NAGRAT shall engage with sister Unions to exert the necessary pressure on GES to address this.
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13. The Unions shall engage our employers to consider converting Car maintenance allowance to Transport allowance to be paid through CAGD to benefit all teachers since the current regime of payment of car maintenance allowance is not effective.
14. The Committee working on the deprived area allowance policy has completed its work. Soon teachers who teach in deprived areas shall receive their deserved appreciation
15. On the Laptops, the Unions are not in charge of procurement and distribution of the laptops. It is the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Finance who are mandated by law to do so. The Unions are monitoring the implementation process. It shall ensure everyone that is due gets the laptop.
It is true that distribution has been delayed in the basic schools. It has been explained that a large number of basic schools in the country has contributed to the slow pace of the distribution.
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Distribution has however started from the northern part of the country and shall continue to the south. Those in the Education Directorates shall also receive theirs.
16. NAGRAT shall strive to promote the welfare of the teacher, it shall however not provide protection for any teacher who enters into an amorous relationship with a student.
17. Regional Secretariats of NAGRAT have been entreated to organize programmes and activities to commemorate World Teachers Day which is on 5th October 2022.
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