Ferdinand|EducationGhana| November 22| 2022:How Salaries are determined for Teachers in the Ghana Education Service
The Collective Agreement is a document that contains the accepted conditions of service of workers in the Ghana Education Service (GES) as agreed upon by their Union leadership and representatives of the GES at a meeting organized for such purpose.
In August 2020, both parties met to decide on an agreement after the 2009 Collective Agreement expired several years without being renewed.
The Collective Agreement outlined the Content of the Letter of Appointment of teachers recruited into the Ghana Education Service (GES).
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According to the Approved Remuneration and Working Conditions process for Teachers in the GES, the agreement indicated that;
1 The salary scale appropriate to each post in the Service shall be determined by a “Joint Negotiation Committee” or “Standing Joint Negotiation Committee through negotiations with appropriate authorities.
2 All other conditions of work shall be determined by a Joint Negotiating Committee made up of ten (10) persons each from the Government Team and the Union. They include:
i. Hours of work, Contact hours
ii. Leave for Union activities
iii. Class size and workload
iv. Principles of engagement and termination of Service, including
Redundancy, Probation, Transfers, Promotion and Housing
v. Sick Leave with Pay
vi. Training
vii. Sickness Benefits / Medical Schemes
viii. Study Leave
ix. Release of Employee
x. Occupational Injury/Disease
3. Any employee who is covered by this agreement shall receive the rate of pay commensurate with his or her job classification based on a properly conducted job evaluation and placement on the Single Spine Salary Structure.
4. Where an employee is found to have been improperly rated or misplaced on a salary scale or point, the Service shall rectify such an error and pay all arrears due to the employee.
5. Should the nature of the existing job be substantially changed such that the old salary is not appropriate, GES and the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission (FWSC) on the one hand, and the Union, on the other hand, shall meet to agree upon a new salary which is consistent with the new or changed job based on a re-evaluation of the job.
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