Ferdinand|EducationGhana| November 22| 2022:How Teachers are Promoted in the Ghana Education Service
The Collective Agreement is a document that contains the accepted conditions of service of workers in the Ghana Education Service (GES) as agreed upon by their Union leadership and representatives of the GES at a meeting organized for such purpose.
In August 2020, both parties met to decide on an agreement after the 2009 Collective Agreement expired several years without being renewed.
The Collective Agreement outlined the Content of the Letter of Appointment of teachers recruited into the Ghana Education Service (GES).
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According to the Approved promotion process for Teachers in the GES, the agreement indicated that;
All promotions shall take effect from the date stated in the promotion letter.
Promotions shall be made according to merit and in accordance with the Scheme of Service.
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In determining an individual’s claim for promotion, account shall be taken of qualification, experience, efficiency, seniority, sense of responsibility, initiative, general
behavior and where relevant, powers of leadership and expression and requisite attendance of in-service training courses.
Relevant teaching experience and periods of further approved training shall count for the purpose of promotion provided there is documentary evidence to prove so.
Promotion out of turn for exemplary conduct or an employee whose performance is exceptionally remarkable may be promoted based on the Scheme of Service.
Such promotions must be approved by the GES Management on a case-by-case basis. The identification of teachers/officers with exceptional performance should be such that it is
not abused.
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As much as reasonably practicable, vacancies at the Management level shall be filled by promotion from within the Service.
Such vacancies shall be advertised internally and opened to all employees who have the requisite qualification and experience as may be laid down from time to time.
Unsuccessful Candidates at Promotion Interviews:
Unsuccessful candidates shall join their subordinate officers who are due for promotions, on the recommendation of their Departmental Heads.
The effective date of promotion of the previously unsuccessful candidate shall be the date on which the new vacancy occurred and not necessarily the date given to his original colleagues. All unsuccessful candidates shall be duly informed.
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A candidate who fails an interview three (3) consecutive times shall
remain at his position for another two (2) years before reapplying for consideration, if vacancies are declared.
A candidate who fails an interview for the fourth (4th) time shall remain at his present position until retirement.
His work and conduct shall be properly monitored to ensure his performance is assessed properly, fairly, and periodically.
An employee who obtains a higher certificate that qualifies him or her for an incremental credit shall earn it if the certificate is obtained at least six months prior to the next anniversary date.
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