St Louis College of Education Halls of Residence for the 2022/2023 Academic Year

St Louis College of Education Halls of Residence for the 2022/2023 Academic Year
St Louis College of Education Halls of Residence for the 2022/2023 Academic Year

Ferdinand | EducationGhana | December 26 | St Louis College of Education Halls of Residence for the 2022/2023 Academic Year



HALLS OF RESIDENCE                      MOTTO                                  COLOUR


Consilli                                        Not words, but Action                               Red

Fatima                                          love and Unity                                       Green

Guisseppe                                  Patience and Responsibility                        Yellow

St. Joseph’s                                 Determination is our key                          Blue

St. Theresa’s                                Simplicity and quality                               Mauve

Arch Bishop Sarpong                    Tolerance, Diversity and Excellence          Dark Pink

Arch Bishop Mensah                      Integrity and Service                              Sea Blue

Arch Bishop Anokye                        Respect, Support and Co-operation           Wine


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The following halls have been established in the College; bearing the names as
Consilli, Fatima, Guisseppe, St. Joseph and St. Theresah.



The membership of each Hall shall consist of the students assigned to it who shall be known as Junior Members and the Senior Members of the College assigned to it, who shall be known as Fellows.

The assignment of Junior Members and Senior Members to Halls shall be in accordance with procedures laid down by the Academic Board. Every Senior Member shall be assigned to a Hall of residence.

Government of Halls

The governing body of each Hall shall be the Hall Council which shall be responsible, subject to the Law, Statutes, and Regulations of the College, for all matters concerning the Hall. The Hall Council shall meet, at least, once in every Semester.

Composition of the Hall Council

The Hall Council shall consist of the Senior Hall Mistress, Hall Mistress, Assistant
Hall Mistress and three (3) Tutors assigned to the Hall and five (5) students,
including the President, Secretary, Treasurer of the Hall, and two (2) Level 100

Hall Officers


The Officers of each Hall shall consist of the Hall Mistress, Assistant Hall Mistress,
Tutors Assigned to the Hall, and such other Officers as the Hall Council shall

The Hall Mistress shall be appointed by the Principal for a two (2) year term, and
may be eligible for re-appointment for another two (2) year term only.

In the absence of the Hall Mistress, the Senior Hall Mistress will act until a Hall
Mistress is appointed.

The Senior Hall Mistress shall be appointed by the Principal on the recommendation of the Hall Council for a two-year term, subject to reappointment for a further term only.



Senior Hall Mistress

The Senior Hall Mistress shall be responsible to the Principal and shall see to
the administration and good governance in all the Halls of Residence.

She shall act as a Hall Mistress in her absence

Hall Mistress

The Hall Mistress shall be responsible to the Principal for the general supervision of the affairs of the Hall. She shall take precedence over all fellows and members of the Hall and shall have unrestricted right of attendance and audience at all meetings of the Hall Council in all cases not provided for by the law, Statutes or any Regulations made by the Hall.

She shall make provision for good governance and welfare of the Hall as she may consider appropriate;

subject to the approval of the Hall Council. No person shall combine the office of the Head of Hall with any other substantive Hall Office.


Hall Tutors

Offer counseling services to students of the Hall; Liaise between students in the Hall and their lecturers outside teaching hours;

Avail themselves for consultation in any matter a student considers important
for her welfare;

Help foster harmonious community living in the Hall that involves both Junior
and Senior members;

Attend all relevant Hall meetings and participate fully in Hall activities.

The Hall Tutors shall be responsible to the Hall Mistress and assist her in the
discharge of her duties.


Removal of Hall Mistress

The Head of Hall may be removed by the Principal upon a recommendation supported by two-thirds of the Hall Council at a meeting specially convened for the purpose by, at least, one third of the Council.

Removal of Other Hall Officers

Any Hall Officer other than the Hall Mistress may be removed during her period of tenure for sufficient cause upon a recommendation by the Hall Mistress to the Hall Council at a special meeting convened for the purpose.

Direction of Student Life in the Halls

Within the general framework of these Regulations and of the Constitution and
Regulations of each Hall, the Junior Members of the Halls shall be given full scope to manage their own affairs and participate as fully as is consistent with good order and discipline in the governance and running of the Halls under the direction of the Head of the Hall.

7. Hall Funds

a) i. Hall Council Account shall include all monies collected in the Halls and grants provided by the College.
ii. Hall dues paid by students shall be paid into this account.

b) Signatory

The Hall Mistress and Hall President shall be signatories to all accounts in the

Fund Raising

The Halls have the right to raise funds for their activities, but the Hall Mistress
should be aware and has to monitor how the funds are raised and used.

Hall Accounts

The Hall Funds shall be operated in a manner that does not contradict the College Regulations. The Account shall be displayed on all Hall notice boards
at the end of their tenure of office.

Audit of Hall Account

The Hall shall present to the Internal Auditor, Hall Council and Students’ Affairs
Officer an annual Statement of its income and expenditure signed by the Treasurer, President and Secretary by 15th June of each year. The account shall be displayed on the Hall Notice Board.

All Hall funds and books or documents relating to them shall be subject to
examination and audit by the College Finance Officer and the Internal Auditor,
respectively. An audit of Hall accounts shall be carried out at least once a year
by the Internal Auditor.

Copies of the audit report shall be sent to the Principal, Hall Council of Hall
concerned and the Students’ Affairs Officer. Where anybody is dissatisfied with the audit report, the Principal may be petitioned.

The Principal may take appropriate action where she is satisfied that the petition
is of merit.

History of St Louis College of Education

The year 1948 saw the arrival in Ghana of the first St. Louis Sisters from Ireland. Bishop Hubert Joseph Paulissen was then the Vicar Apostolic. It was a historical event to reckon with as that eventful journey has borne abundant fruit.

Sisters Sheila Gillespe, Mary Bried Mulhem, Joseph Mary Vibiana and Johannes Hayes were to continue the running of the already established St. Bernadette’s Elementary School, Now popularly called Roman Girls’ Demonstration Junior High School, and to a new Secondary School, St Louis Secondary School, on the same compound.

After the opening of the Secondary School, it became obviously expedient that a Training College should be started. St. Louis Training College was opened at the request of the Ministry of Education on 23rd September, 1960 by the Catholic Diocese of Kumasi.

For the first year, it has temporary quarters at the new site at St. Louis Secondary School built by the Catholic Diocese of Kumasi. The College was initially to be a Post “B” Certificate Training College for women.


The College was founded by the Catholic Diocese of Kumasi on 23rd September, 1960 as a female counterpart of St. Joseph’s Training College, Bechem, which the same Diocese founded in 1947 to train male teachers. St Louis Sisters from Ireland ran it at its establishment.

Sister Mary Consilli, the first Principal, and Sister Mary Vibiana (later Marian Barette) -both St. Louis Sisters- ran the college with funds partly mobilized from their salaries, the Catholic Diocese of Kumasi, funding agencies abroad, and other well-wishers.

The founding of St. Louis Training College thirteen years after St. Joseph’s Training College’s establishment was also in response to the church’s obligation to provide quality and holistic education at all levels. In this particular instance, it was founded in the interest of Girl-Child Education.

In this way, the church envisaged a gender balance in teacher training education. It happened to be at the time when the Ministry of Education had also adopted the policy of providing as many as possible teachers for the implementation of Compulsory Universal Basic Education in the country.

St Louis College of Education Halls of Residence for the 2022/2023 Academic Year | 7

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Prospective Students can also check out the Admission Deadlines for Tertiary Institutions in Ghana as well as their Entry Requirements before Applying.

They can also check the institutions’ cut off pointsandHow to Applyto the various Tertiary Institutions in Ghana as well as the institutions’ Fees Schedulesfor any particular Semester or Year.

St Louis College of Education Halls of Residence for the 2022/2023 Academic Year | 8UEW NEW ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES


Get the  WAEC Marking Schemes HERE

Get theNaCCA/GES Standard-Based Lesson Plans HERE

Get the Ghana Education ServiceNew Standard–Based Scheme of Learning (SOL)HERE

Get the Ghana Education Service New Standard–Based Curriculum HERE

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Download Teachers Guide on SBCand CCP Curriculums HERE

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