UCC DESAG Executives discuss Distance Education Challenges with New VC, Registrar

Distance Education Challenges

A delegation of a 19 member national council executives of the Distance Education Students Association of Ghana, UCC (DESAG-UCC)  On Thursday, the 14th of January 2021 paid a visit to the high office of the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cape Coast.

The purpose of the meeting was to congratulate the newly appointed Vice-Chancellor, Professor Johnson Nyarko Boampong and the new appointed Registrar, Mr Jeff Tete Emmanuel Onyame.

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Also. the national executives also used the opportunity to present the challenges of distance education students of the College of Distance Education.

At the meeting was also Professor Dora F Edu-Boandoh, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of UCC.

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”On behalf of the national executives, national council and the entire student population of over 45,000, we welcome you to the high office and promise our unflinching support in promoting the image of our great university, the university of competitive choice.”

”We are proud of our university and leaderships will always help management to project the good name of UCC to the world” The National President, Nana Dwuma said.

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UCC DESAG Executives discuss Distance Education Challenges with New VC, Registrar | 3

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