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Step-by-Step Guide: How to Check Your 2023 Registered General Nursing (RGN) Licensing Exam Results

Ferdinand EducationGhana | March 09| Step-by-Step Guide: How to Check Your 2023 Registered General Nursing (RGN) Licensing Exam Results


Learn how to access and check your 2023 RGN licensing exam results with this comprehensive guide. Follow these simple steps to acquire a scratch card, visit the NMC website, access online services, enter details, check results, complete registration, and make payments for successful registration.



The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) has announced the release of the 2023 Registered General Nursing (RGN) licensing exam results.

To facilitate the process for candidates, a step-by-step guide has been provided to ensure easy access and checking of results.

  1. Acquire a Scratch Card: Candidates are advised to purchase a result-checking scratch card from any regional office of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) for Ten (10.00) Ghana Cedis.

2. Visit the NMC Website: Access the official NMC website by navigating to either http://nmc.gov.gh or http://nmcgh.org.

3. Access Online Services: Click on the “Online Services” tab and select “Exam Result” from the dropdown menu.

4. Enter Scratch Card Details: Input the Secret Code and serial number from the purchased scratch card without any spacing.

5. Provide Index Number: Enter your index number in the designated text box on the exam result page.

6. Check Results: Click on the “check results” button to view your exam results instantly.

7. Registration Process: If you have passed all required subjects, proceed to register by clicking on “register now” and follow the provided instructions.

8. Complete Registration Form: Fill out the registration form online, submit it, and print a hard copy for necessary endorsements.

9. Payment: Pay the approved registration fee at any Republic Bank branch and submit the filled and endorsed form along with the pay-in-slip at the NMC Regional Office.

10. Additional Checks: Each scratch card allows for up to five (5) result checks. Purchase a new card if you need to check results beyond the limit.

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Following these simple steps ensures a smooth and hassle-free process for checking and registering your 2023 Registered General Nursing (RGN) licensing exam results. Candidates are encouraged to adhere to the guidelines provided by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) for a successful outcome.


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