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Understand These Key Terminologies when conducting subjectivist research (Qualitative) in 2024

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Ferdinand EducationGhana | February 14 |Understand These Key Terminologies when conducting subjectivist research (Qualitative) in 2024

These key terminologies provide a foundational understanding of qualitative research methodology, helping researchers navigate the intricacies of data collection, analysis, and interpretation. By employing these concepts effectively, researchers can enhance the rigor, validity, and reliability of their qualitative studies, ultimately contributing to advancing knowledge in their respective fields.

Get These Research Terminologies 

1. Qualitative Research: A methodological approach used to explore and understand complex phenomena or social interactions by collecting and analyzing non-numerical data, such as words, images, or observations.
2. Ontology: The study of the nature of reality—what exists and how it can be known.
3. Epistemology: The study of knowledge and how we come to know anything at all.
4. Realism: An ontological position that acknowledges a world independent of the researcher.
5. Irrealism: An ontological position that denies a world that is (in any sense) independent of the researcher.
6. Objectivism: An epistemological position that says we can observe the world as it is and produce knowledge.
7. Subjectivism: An epistemological position that suggests our insights are influenced by our personal perspectives and theoretical frameworks.

In qualitative research, several key terminologies are commonly used to describe various concepts, methods, and processes. Here are some essential terms:

  1. Qualitative Research: A methodological approach used to explore and understand complex phenomena or social interactions by collecting and analyzing non-numerical data, such as words, images, or observations.
  2. Data Collection: The process of gathering information or evidence relevant to the research question. Methods include interviews, focus groups, participant observation, and document analysis.
  3. Data Analysis: The systematic process of interpreting and making sense of qualitative data. Techniques include thematic analysis, content analysis, narrative analysis, and grounded theory.
  4. Researcher Bias: The influence of the researcher’s background, experiences, or preconceptions on the research process and findings. It can affect data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
  5. Triangulation: The use of multiple data sources, methods, or researchers to enhance the validity and reliability of qualitative findings by cross-verifying information from different perspectives.
  6. Thematic Coding: The process of systematically identifying, labelling, and categorizing patterns or themes within qualitative data to facilitate analysis and interpretation.
  7. Saturation: The point at which collecting additional data no longer generates new insights or themes, indicating that theoretical saturation has been reached.
  8. Participant Observation: A qualitative research method in which the researcher immerses themselves in the natural setting or context of study to observe and document social interactions and behaviours.
  9. Ethnography: A qualitative research approach that involves prolonged engagement and immersion in a particular cultural or social group to understand their perspectives, practices, and beliefs.
  10. Reflexivity: The practice of critically reflecting on the researcher’s role, assumptions, and biases throughout the research process, aiming to enhance transparency and rigor.
  11. In-depth Interview: A qualitative data collection method involving one-on-one conversations between the researcher and participants, aimed at exploring individual experiences, perceptions, and meanings.
  12. Credibility: The extent to which qualitative findings accurately represent the perspectives and experiences of research participants, often established through member checking, peer debriefing, and prolonged engagement.
  13. Transferability: The degree to which qualitative findings can be applied or generalized to other contexts or settings, contingent upon the richness of the data and the depth of the analysis.
  14. Trustworthiness: A qualitative research criterion encompassing credibility, dependability, confirmability, and transferability, which collectively determine the reliability and validity of study findings.

These are just a few key terminologies commonly used in conducting qualitative research. Familiarity with these terms is essential for understanding and effectively engaging in qualitative inquiry.

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