How to effectively teach numeracy in the lower grade classes

    Ferdinand | EducationGhana | April 18|How to effectively teach numeracy in the lower grade classes


    Teaching numeracy to lower grades is an important part of any education system. It is essential that students learn the basics of counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division so they can become proficient in mathematics.

    Numeracy also involves understanding number concepts, problem-solving strategies, and the ability to apply math to real-life scenarios. In this article, we will discuss effective strategies for teaching numeracy to lower grades.

    How to Teach Numeracy Basics

    The Basics in Numeracy are very important for lower grade classes most especially Pre-School classes comprising kindergarten to Primary 3.

    A good foundation in numeracy can prevent the supposed perceptions about the difficulty in solving mathematical problems in our schools.

    Teaching numeracy basics is the first step in teaching numeracy to lower grades. It is important to start with the basics and build upon them as the students progress. The basics include counting, recognizing numbers, basic addition and subtraction, and understanding place value.

    Using manipulatives such as counters, blocks, and dice can help students learn these basics. Additionally, having students practice writing numbers can help them become more familiar with them.

    Understanding Number Concepts

    Number concepts are the interesting properties that exist between numbers. These ideas help us perform calculations and solve problems.

    Understanding number concepts is essential for students to be able to apply math to real-life scenarios. Teaching students to recognize and understand the different operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) is important.

    Additionally, teaching students the concept of fractions, decimals, and percents will help them to understand the relationship between these different concepts.

    Teaching Students Counting and Number Recognition

    Number Recognition is where students learn how to recognize different numbers by their names, by the way that they look, and by matching them to their representative quantities. Students will also learn how to write numbers down in numerical form as well as in words.

    Counting and number recognition are essential skills for students to learn. Students should be able to recognize and count numbers up to 100. Additionally, having students practice counting in different increments (2’s, 5’s and 10’s) will help them to become more proficient.

    How to effectively teach numeracy in the lower grade classes | 1

    Teaching Students Basic Addition and Subtraction

    Addition and subtraction are the two primary arithmetic operations where we learn to add and subtract two or more numbers or any mathematical values.

    Basic addition and subtraction are essential skills for students to learn. Having students practice with manipulatives can help them to understand the concept of addition and subtraction. Additionally, having students practice with worksheets, online games, and flashcards can help them to become more proficient in these skills.

    Teaching Students Multiplication and Division

    Multiplication and division, are inverse operations of each other. If we say, a multiplied by b is equal to c, then c divided by b results in a. Mathematically, it can be represented as a × b = c.

    Multiplication and division are more advanced mathematical operations that students should learn.

    Teaching students the basics of multiplication and division, such as understanding the concept of multiplication and division, and practising with manipulatives and worksheets can help students become more proficient.

    Additionally, having students practice with online games and flashcards can help them to become more confident in these skills.

    Teaching Students Fractions and Decimals

    The decimal numeral system is the standard system for denoting integer and non-integer numbers. It is the extension to non-integer numbers of the Hindu–Arabic numeral system. The way of denoting numbers in the decimal system is often referred to as decimal notation

    Fractions are of the form p/q, where p and q are whole numbers and q is not equal to 0, while decimals are written with the help of a decimal point in between …

    What is the Importance of Fraction and Decimal?

    Fractions and decimals are required when there is precision required in the value because whole numbers can only be used for counting. For measuring, decimals and fractions are used. Decimal gives a more precise value as compared to fractions as we can even represent infinite numbers using decimals, which is not possible with fractions.

    What is the Difference Between the Fraction and Decimals?

    The main difference between fractions and decimals is that a fraction represents a ratio between two, while decimals can also be used for writing infinite values and for more precision. Fractions are of the form p/q, where p and q are whole numbers and q is not equal to 0, while decimals are written with the help of a decimal point in between to separate the whole numbers part and the fractional part of a number, for example, 2.89 is a decimal number.

    Fractions and decimals are important concepts for students to understand. Teaching students how to identify and compare fractions and decimals is essential. Additionally, having students practice with worksheets and online games can help them to become more proficient in these skills.

    Teaching Students Measurement and Estimation


    Estimate: To calculate approximately. Length: Measurement of an object from end to end. Measure: The extent, quantity, amount, or degree of something, as determined by measurement or calculation.

    Measurement and estimation are important skills for students to learn. Teaching students about different units of measurement, such as inches, centimetres, litres, and grams, is essential. Additionally, teaching students how to estimate and measure objects can help them to become more proficient.

    Teaching Students Problem-Solving Strategies

    A problem is a question raised to inspire thought or to reveal a difficulty, stress, or doubt due to a matter or situation. The general problem-solving definition is the use of ideas, skills, or facts to achieve the solution to a problem so a desired outcome can be reached.

    One example of problem-solving could be the process of solving an equation in algebra. Problem-solving can be defined in slightly different ways depending on the type of problem. For example, problem-solving is defined in the following types of problems as:

    Problem-solving strategies are important for students to learn. Teaching students how to identify the problem, break it down into smaller parts, and come up with solutions is essential. Additionally, having students practice with worksheets and online games can help them to become more proficient in problem-solving.

    Teaching Students Numeracy Games and Activities

    Numeracy games and activities are a great way to engage students and help them become more proficient in numeracy. Having students play games such as “Guess the Number” or “Number Match” can help them to practice their skills. Additionally, having students practice with online games and flashcards can help them to become more confident in numeracy.

    Tired of hearing groans when you announce it’s time for math? These active math games and activities will spice up your learning game. They get kids up and moving, using their whole bodies to learn facts and skills. Lots of these ideas can be adapted to suit a variety of math concepts, so choose a few to try out with your own math students.

    1. Throw snowballs inside or out

    Clip flash cards to plastic tubs, then challenge kids to throw the correct number of large white pom-poms (“snowballs”) in from a distance. If there’s snow on the ground, bundle up and take this one outside to use real snowballs!


    2. Stack sticks to practice tally marks

    Small sticks are perfect for practicing tally marks. Kids will have fun checking the ground under trees for twigs, then breaking them into pieces and creating tally piles.


    3. Fish for numbers

    It’s so easy to make your own magnet fishing pole. Float some numbered foam fish with paper clips attached, then try to catch the numbers in the right order! (Don’t want to get wet? Just lay the fish on the ground instead.)


    4. Draw and measure shapes on the sidewalk

    First, give kids some sidewalk chalk and let them draw a variety of shapes, as big or small as they like. Then, arm them with measuring tapes and have them practice taking measurements.


    5. Stomp and smash on a number line

    Grab some paper bags and number them, then shake them out and lay them in a number line. Now, call out an addition or subtraction problem, like 3 + 2. Have a student stomp on the bag labeled three, then on the next two to arrive at an answer of five. (Feeling brave? Try this one with balloons!)


    6. Grow fact-family flowers

    Pick up colorful fall leaves and write math facts on them. Gather them around a numbered rock to make pretty flowers.


    7. Toss beanbags to learn place value

    Label bins with place values like ones, tens, and hundreds. Kids toss beanbags into the bins, then count them and see what number they’ve created.

    Learn more: Saddle Up for Second Grade/Place Value Toss

    8. Form paper-plate number bonds

    Pass out numbered paper plates, then have students mix and mingle to see how many number bonds they can form.

    Learn more: The Schroeder Page

    9. Create a life-size number line

    Number lines are wonderful for all sorts of math games and activities. Make one big enough for kids to stand and jump around on using sidewalk chalk (or painter’s tape indoors). You’ll use it over and over again.

    Learn more: Childhood Beckons

    10. Hit the target and graph

    You can teach graphing in lots of ways, so why not make it active? Students throw balls onto a target, graphing and analyzing their throws as they go.

    Learn more: Amy Lemons

    11. Head out on a plot graph scavenger hunt

    Create a map of your school, playground, or other area using graph paper (or even better, have kids help you do it). Then choose plot points for them to visit to find notes or small prizes. They’ll feel like real treasure hunters!

    Learn more: Edventures With Kids

    12. Roll the dice to count and move

    Get practice with low-number counting and addition using action dice. Write activities like “jump,” “clap,” or “stomp” on a small wooden block, then roll it along with a pair of dice. Kids add them up (or subtract if you prefer) and complete the activity the number of times shown.

    Learn more: Buggy and Buddy/Math Dice

    13. Whack a ball to subtract

    You know your elementary math students are going to love this! Build your own whack-a-mole 10-frame with a shoebox and Ping-Pong balls. Then, have kids whack the balls to practice their subtraction facts. So fun!

    Learn more: Planning Playtime

    14. Make a splash with water balloons

    You’re going to need to be willing to get a little wet for this one, but kids simply adore math games (or any games!) with water balloons. Fill and label balloons numbered 1 through 20 (or whatever numbers you’re working on). Draw the numbers in a big circle on the playground. Then, have a student choose a balloon, find the matching number, and head off to make a splash!

    Learn more: Little Bins for Little Hands

    15. Tell time on a giant clock

    Draw a giant clock face with hours and minutes on the playground with sidewalk chalk. Choose two students to be the hour and minute hands, then call out a time and send them out to become the clock. Add more complicated elements by having them add to or subtract from the initial time too. (“Now it’s 23 minutes later!”)

    Learn more: Creative Family Fun/Sidewalk Chalk Clock

    16. Measure your frog jumps

    Have your students hop like frogs, leap like gazelles, or jump like kangaroos. Then, pull out the ruler or measuring tape so they can measure the distances they’ve covered.

    Learn more: Coffee Cups and Crayons

    17. Jump to math facts practice

    Lay out a grid like the one shown that has the answers to whatever set of math flash cards you’re currently working with. (This teacher used masking tape; you could also do sidewalk chalk on the playground.) Two players face off, one on each side of the board. Show the flash card, and kids race to be the first to jump to the correct square with both feet inside the lines. Get all the rules at the link below.

    Learn more: Teaching and Tapas

    18. Run a flash-card race

    Tape a series of flash cards to the floor and challenge kids to see who can correctly make their way from start to finish the fastest. They can call out the answers or write them down, but they have to get it right before they move on. Kids can race side by side or work independently to beat their own best time.

    Learn more: There’s Just One Mommy

    19. Catch a math beach ball

    Beach balls are so much fun in the classroom. Scribble numbers all over one with a Sharpie, then toss it to a student. Wherever their thumbs land, they add (or subtract or multiply) those two numbers together before tossing the ball to the next student.

    Learn more: Saddle Up for Second Grade/Beach Ball Math

    20. Do a number dance

    Kids who love “Dance Dance Revolution” will get into this one. Make a number mat for each student like the ones shown. Flash an equation with an answer between 10 and 99 on the screen. Kids figure out the answer and jump to put their left foot on the correct tens place, right foot on the ones. They’ll be dancing and spinning as they learn!

    Learn more: Number Loving

    21. Groove with angles

    Teach kids about transversals and the angles they create with some fun dance moves! Get the details for “Dance Dance Transversal” at the link below.

    Learn more: Communicating Mathematically

    22. Add and subtract by stacking cups

    We’re not sure why, but kids simply love stacking cups. Label yours with math problems and answers, then have kids build pyramids and towers galore!

    Learn more: The Kindergarten Smorgasboard

    23. Measure the height of a tree (no ladder needed)

    Kids will be amazed to learn they can measure the tallest tree while keeping their feet on the ground. The link below walks you through the steps with a free printable.

    Learn more: From ABCs to ACTs

    24. Count and learn on a nature walk

    Take an outdoor stroll and practice basic math along the way. This works indoors too—walk the school hallways (quietly) and count doors, windows, posters, and more.

    Learn more: Creative Family Fun/Math Walk

    25. Hunt for shapes in the world around you

    Looking for super-simple and fun active math games? Give students a sheet with shapes to find as you walk around the school or playground. Each time they find the shape, have them trace it on their worksheet and then make a mark to keep track of how many times they’ve seen it.

    Learn more: Hands-On Teaching Ideas

    26. Steal the balls with addition robbery

    Kids compete to see whose basket of balls will add up to the highest amount. The trick? They don’t know at the beginning which balls are worth the most. Learn how to play at the link below.

    Learn more: That After School Life




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    27. Puddle-jump from number to the number

    Lay out a series of construction paper puddles labeled with numbers. You can call out numbers and have kids jump to the correct one, or have them jump from one to the next in order forward or backward, or even try some skip counting.

    Learn more: NurtureStore

    28. Paint and hide number rocks

    Painted rocks are always a big hit! Have your class help you make these, then hide them around the playground and send kids off to find and answer equations.

    Learn more: The OT Toolbox

    29. Skip-count along a hopscotch board

    A hopscotch board can be used for a lot of fun and active math games. Try it for skip counting: Kids hop along counting by 2s, 5s, 10s, or whatever you’re currently working on. Learn more at the link below.

    Learn more: Math Geek Mama/Skip-Counting Hopscotch

    30. Aim and throw to practice math skills

    Pick up a set of Sticky Darts and draw two dartboards side by side. You can label the rings with any numbers you like. Kids throw the darts and then add, subtract, multiply, or divide the numbers—your choice!

    Learn more: Inspiration Labs

    31. Design an outdoor board game

    Draw a winding path and fill the spaces with math equations. Kids roll the dice and move from space to space (have them jump, skip, or twirl to mix things up). If they get the answer right, they move to the new space. If not, their turn is over. Customizable math games like this can be used at any level.

    Learn more: Look! We’re Learning!

    32. Turn UNO into an active math game

    Grab your UNO deck and get ready to move! Assign each color a movement (hop, touch toes, etc.). As kids draw the cards, everyone completes the movement the correct number of times. Skip and Reverse work as usual, but anyone who gets Draw Two has to draw two more cards and complete the actions on their own while others cheer them on. See more at the link below.

    Learn more: Still Playing School

    33. Bowl them over while learning math facts

    Active math games using recycled materials are economical and good for the environment. Set up empty plastic bottles labeled 1 through 10, then roll the ball to see how many you can knock down. Add up the numbers of the knocked-over bottles to get your score.

    Learn more: Learn With Play at Home

    34. Compete to win at putt-putt math

    Pick up a few dollar-store supplies and make your own putt-putt course. This can be a simple game where kids simply shoot for the highest (or lowest) number. But you can also drive up the complexity by putting equations on the cups that kids have to solve first to determine which is the best cup to aim for.

    Learn more: My Catch a Star Classroom!

    35. Give a classic game a math twist

    Create active math games that give new life to existing resources. For example, add numbers to Twister! For more advanced players, instead


    Assessing Student Progress

    Assessing student progress is an important part of teaching numeracy to lower grades. Having students complete worksheets, online games, and flashcards can help teachers to track student progress. Additionally, having students take assessments such as standardized tests can help teachers to evaluate student progress.

    Overcoming Student Challenges

    Overcoming student challenges is an important part of teaching numeracy to lower grades. It is important for teachers to identify student challenges and provide additional support and resources to help them overcome these challenges. Additionally, having students practice with online games and flashcards can help them to become more confident in numeracy.

    Integrating Numeracy into Daily Life

    Integrating numeracy into daily life is an important part of teaching numeracy to lower grades. Having students practice with real-life scenarios, such as budgeting or measuring ingredients for a recipe, can help them to understand the importance of numeracy. Additionally, having students practice with online games and flashcards can help them to become more confident in numeracy.

    Teaching numeracy to lower grades is an important part of any education system. It is important for teachers to understand the basics of numeracy, such as counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and to use effective strategies to teach these skills. Additionally, it is important for teachers to understand number concepts, problem-solving strategies, and how to integrate numeracy into daily life. By following these strategies, teachers can effectively teach numeracy to lower grades.


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