GES outlines Top Punishments to be meted out to Truant JHS and SHS 3 students

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EducationGhana| June 12| GES outlines Top Punishments to be meted out to Truant JHS and SHS 3 students: 

Management of the Ghana Education Service (GES) has been reliably informed that some Junior and Senior High schools form three (JHS3 and SHS 3) students consistently.
Refuse to attend school and classes after registering for their Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) and West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE).
This is an act the GES considers major misconduct by students.
It has also come to the notice of the Management of GES that, some of these truant students engage in undesirable acts such as dealing in drugs, bullying, wearing unprescribed attire, use of mobile phones on school campuses, and blatant disregard for school rules and regulations.

Students and parents should be made aware that these sanctions can be applied:

1. Deboardinization
2. Writing the examination under Police/Parent escort.
3. West African Examination Council (WAEC) does not admit them to the examination centre to write the papers.


Management of GES, therefore, urges school authorities to report any criminal acts of students to the Ghana Police Service (GPS) for investigations and subsequent prosecution.
Students under Police investigation during the period of BECE and WASSCE Examinations will be allowed to write their papers under police escort.
Students with disciplinary issues in the school can only come to the Examination Centres accompanied by their parents.
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GES outlines Top Punishments to be meted out to Truant JHS and SHS 3 students | 1




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