EducationGhana| December 22| CCT -GH: The Coalition of Concerned Teachers – Ghana (CCT-GH) has sacked its acting President King Ali Awudu.
The Union in a press statement issued on December 22, 2021, indicated that it has experienced unwarranted court cases under the leadership of the current acting president, King Ali Awudu and no attempt have been made to settle issues to free the Union.
Below are the Reasons for King Ali Awudu’s Sack from the Leadership Position as President of CCT
1. The inability of King Ali’s Leadership to engage the Service Providers and the National Teaching Council on favourable terms in relation to the workshops meant for the accumulation of points for the renewal of Teachers licenses.Â
”It is expected of a teacher to attend not less than fifty (50) training workshops within two years to be able to accumulate between 70 to 100 credit points depending on one’s rank before one becomes eligible for his or her license to be renewed.” The Union said
”These workshops are designed in such a way that the fees are very exorbitant; the training session is also organized on weekends.”
”Brothers and sisters gathered here we all know that the teacher is engaged from Monday to Friday, and the only time left for the teacher to attend to his personal things are weekends if our weekends are going to be engaged, what time is left for the teacher to do his personal things, not to talk of the exorbitant fees charged during these training sections”
”For all these things, we expected our leader to better engage and negotiate with policymakers on this issue but together with other union leaders, they just allow these inimical processes to pass. Beyond press releases, nothing concrete has been done to address the issues.”
2. Promotional Exam and The Results Brouhaha, including unfortunate comments being made by King Ali Awudu
”Quite recently, we were faced with a very disturbing incident of purported mass failures of candidates who wrote the promotion exams in 2021.”
”It was not just a mass failure but a fictitious one, initially when the portal was opened for teachers to check their result online, the portal indicated that a lot of the teachers have passed, but just a few hours later, the portal was closed and reopened.”
”This time the portal indicated that a lot of teachers who earlier on pass have been failed to our surprise without proper explanation to this bizarre incident.”
”This generated a lot of frustration at the teachers’ front, up to now, we don’t know the position of our president on the fate of these teachers who have passed their exam and were later failed without justification or any basis from the employer.”
”The victims took their destiny into their own hands and embarked on series of demonstrations without any support or backing from the Leadership of the union”
”To add salt to injury, our current acting president, King Ali Awudu in response to a question asked from one of the desperate victims of this bizarre incident stated that if she has written a promotion exam and had failed, what does she want him to do?”
”If a leader doesn’t know what to do and will speak this way in times of crises, then, what sort of a leader is King Ali Awudu? No attempt was made by leadership to inquire from the employer about these Bizzard changes on the portal. This is not the kind of leadership we want.”
3. The One Teacher, One Laptop Initiative and the Contradictions in cost, contract etc
‘In recent times, the one teacher one laptop has bedevilled the leadership of the various teacher unions across the country.”
”There are conflicting reports from stakeholders and the very least we expect from our leader is Transparency taking cognisance of the economic consequence on the pocket of the Teacher at the centre of this policy, What is now breaking the camel’s back is the TM1 laptop which was initiated by the leadership of the teacher unions including our own current acting president King Ali Awudu without any form of survey and assessment to determine whether all teachers needed the laptop and also the brand and specs.”
”The current acting president, King Ali Awudu and co handed us a deal that lacks consultation, transparency and accountability. As of now, no member of the union knows the details of the contract except the reportage on the media.”
”We elected leaders to be accountable to is unacceptable to hear such news only from our leaders.”
”The usage of our tier 2 funds to pre-finance the purchase of the laptops is uncalled for. This transaction brings to light the defect of the leadership.”
”The contract is suspicious, stakeholders like CAGD, GES and MOE have all stated certain facts with respect to the one teacher, one laptop.”
”It is not surprising to hear the Communication Director of our own Union, Mr Adokwei Ayikwei Awulley, the mouthpiece of our current acting president, insulting all teachers in an interview on a Television program, stating that teachers can leave the teaching service if they do not want the laptop. The communication director was not chastised by the acting president king Ali Awudu on this issue, a clear indication of his support. Arrogant posturing.”
”To crown, it all, a bizarre press conference by the leaders of the three Unions last Tuesday is fuelling the anger and insult to the Ghanaian teacher.”
The Union also posed the following questions in regard to the Laptop deal;
- Was there any consultation among members?
- Any data to prove the above if yes?
- Why use our tier 2 contribution to transact such a dubious business contract?
- Was there any communication as to the usage of our tier 2?
- Who told the leadership all teachers needed laptops?
- Are they aware that deductions have been made to that effect?
- Are the leadership now with their press conference forcing the laptop on teachers?
Will the members of the union be right if they accuse the leadership of being selfish? - Will the leadership blame the members of the leader if we tell them that they did that for their selfish gain?
4. Misappropriation of funds for End of Year Packages
Another issue arising is the failure of the acting president Mr. king Ali awudu to deliver up till date notepads, diaries and leather files as the additional end of year packages to members since 2018.
”This created serious concerns among members in the union especially when the total amount covering the whole transaction has already been paid but the goods have not been delivered for close to four (4) years now.” The Union said.
- Murder Allegations against King Ali
The statement further indicated that another worrying event is the fact that the acting president was heard on a tape recording, proudly boasting to be involved in taking the life of his former headmaster at Barekese senior high secondary school and he will do the same if members keep on talking about issues concerning accountability and other matters.
”Brothers and sister this is criminal, The matter has therefore been reported to the Ashanti regional police by Mr Norbert Gborgbortsi ( a concerned, founding member as well as former deputy communication director of CCT-GH) as well as the family members of the late Barekese senior high school headmaster of Ashanti region.” They said.
The case is currently under investigation and has been referred to the Attorney general’s office.
”The CCT-GH Union’s lawyer Mr Dickson Tweneboah Koduah is defending the acting president Mr King Ali Awudu in this murder case too.” The Union said.
- Suspension of Members by King Ali
The statement added, that Instead of addressing the concerns raised by the individuals in the union, King Ali has resorted to sacking and suspending members and officers on the flimsy grounds of bringing the name of the Union into disrepute.
”Very ironic to act that way. When the suspended and sacked individuals requested for further particulars necessitating their suspension and sacking, no answer has been proffered to date yet.”
”If clearly Ali and co think they have reasons for suspending and sacking officers and members who are not on his side, why not provide one to date since it has been almost …. months?” They asked.
”I will like to ask: If somebody is to be blamed for bringing the name of the CCT GH into disrepute, will it be the one who wants to make sure that the right thing is done? ”
”The one who calls for transparency, probity and accountability? OR The one who is preventing transparency, probity and accountability?”
”The one who wants to do things in his own way because he is the acting President of the Union? The one who sees himself as the chief interpreter of CCT GH constitution and will explain it to suit his course?”
”The one who has confessed to being a killer of his former Headmaster? Your guess is as good as mine.”
the Accusations against King Ali
According to the statement, the following allegations were charged against him;
- King Ali Awudu has fallen short of the objectives of the union.
- He is not a unifier but rather a divisive, arrogant, disrespectful, and benevolent dictator.
- His divisive nature is spoiling the Union.
- King Ali Awudu do not have the welfare of the union at heart.
- He agrees to policies from GES and other stakeholders without consultation.
- His autocratic leadership can no longer work in CCT GH.
”Ladies and gentlemen of the press, with all these issues and other serious internal matters hanging on his shoulders, we are making it clear to all stakeholders and the public that we can no longer work with Mr King Ali Awudu as our acting president.”
Henceforth, he ceases to be the acting president of the union and no third party should deal with him directly or indirectly. Doing so will be at your own peril.” The Union said.

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