The Coalition of Unposted Trained and Registered Teachers (CUTART) have appealed to the Minister for Education and the Ghana Education Service to consider them posted in any plans of recruitments in the coming days.
In a three page opened petition to the minister and Director General of GES cited stated among many reasons why they need to be posted to serve Ghana.
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The petition also gave detailed background to the Untrained Teachers Diploma in Basic Education-UTDBE programmed which was under the supervision of the National Teaching Council and University of Cape Coast.
The said teachers so issued with Professional Teachers Registered numbers since 2016 only got 110 of their entire membership recruited in 2018 but over 800 members still home.
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The UTDBE programme which was partly a Government-sponsored course with the support of Jica had two categories of the trained teachers.
Those who were pupil Teachers before admission into the course and the other, those who were voluntary Teachers as well as Youth Employed.
According to the President of the Coalition Mr Afelete Avulah, the group acknowledged the efforts of the Director-General and his Deputy Lawyer Anthony Boateng for posting part of their members in 2018 hence the need to consider the backlog.
It is the appeal of the Group the Authorities mentioned to kindly consider them in any upcoming recruitment process because it has really been difficult for them to survive.
They also stated they have met all requirements to warrant their employment in the teaching service.
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They have passed their licensure exams with National Teaching Council, Teachers Registered numbers and completed National Service.
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Among other details mentioned in their petition to the Minister and GES, it is the cry of the Teachers to be posted and to them, they are willing to serve in any part of the country where their services are needed most.
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