The Institute for Teacher Education and Continuing Professional Development (ITECPD) of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW), has organised a three-day training workshop for affiliated Colleges of Education (CoE) tutors.
The training, which took place from Monday, 4th to Wednesday, 6th October 2021, at the Gloriaka Hotel, Winneba, was on “Subject Based Course Manual for Level 300 Semester one”.
Participants were equipped to be able to demonstrate how to use the course manual to teach student-teachers, organise Professional Development Sessions (PDS) using the course manual and the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) as well as to support their colleague tutors to use the course manual to prepare their weekly lessons.
The College Tutors at the three-day training workshop
They were taken through modalities for organising PDS in Colleges, CPD needs and development of activities to address them, and study of the course manual one and two (Course 1 & 2).
The Director of ITECPD, Prof. Dandy George Dampson, in his welcome address, indicated the uniqueness of the workshop as it dealt with the pedagogical aspect of the course manual only. “As we use to do previously for the level 100 and level 200 subject-based, we always add PDS but this time we are not going to add PDS. We’ve gotten funding and we will have a full PDS for those involved in the PD. So, this time it is only the course manual.”
He revealed that the workshop sought to provide all the participants with a forum to discuss, share experience, provide guidance and devise a strategy for strengthening the new curriculum pathways to enable them to teach effectively and efficiently whenever they were called upon.
“Our previous workshops for level 100 and level 200 semester courses tell us that we are already equipped with the basis of this workshop and this also tells us that as we move from the level 100 workshop, 200 workshops, level 300 we have taught our students to a certain level. We expect them to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills,” he stated.
Prof. Dampson stressed the important recognition the Management of UEW and ITECPD ascribe to the workshop and others as emphatically stated in the memorandum of understanding signed barely two years ago with the affiliated CoE. “It is, therefore, our duty as a mentoring institution not only to provide you guidance but also professionally develop the academic staff of the affiliated colleges of Education.”
The Director of ITECPD pointed out that the Management of UEW and his outfit anticipate the CoE tutors to play a leading role in the country’s drive to produce scholars whose knowledge would be fully responsive to the realities and understandings of contemporary Ghana and the West African sub-region. “My dear participants, UEW cannot do this alone; we need all of you to do it with us.”
Dr. Kofi Adu Boahene during his delivery on National Teacher Education Assessment Policy (NTEAP)
The Head of Department, Quality Assurance, Dr. Kofi Adu Boahene, made a presentation on National Teacher Education Assessment Policy (NTEAP).
Other facilitators who assisted in training the CoE tutors were Prof. Ruby Hanson (Science), Prof. Cosmas Mereku (Sports, Physical Education, Music and Dance in local and Global Cultures), Prof. Charles Owu-Ewie (Children Literature), Dr Kwasi Adomako (Written Literature of a Ghanaian Language), Mr Ahmed Amihere (Numeracy/Mathematics), Mr. Kweku Essiah Donkor (Enquiry and Action Research) and Ms Emma Eshun (English Curriculum).
Also present at the opening ceremony were the Deputy Director of ITECPD, Prof. Ernest Kwasi Amponsah and Senior Lecturer, Department of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Sports (HPERS), Dr. Emmanuel Osei Sarpong.
Some participants giving contributions during the event
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