The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA) has invited publishers to submit textbooks on Common Core Programme, CCP Curriculum for Assessment and approval.
NaCCA is working in collaboration with the Ministry of Education has successfully completed the development of the second phase of the Pre-tertiary curriculum Common
Core Programme (CCP) Curriculum for Basic 7 to Basic 9 (B7–B9).
The new curriculum has been handed over to the Ghana Education Service
(GES) for implementation in the 2021/2022 academic year.
NaCCA, which is mandated to manage the process of assessment and
approval of textbooks and other educational materials for use in all pretertiary schools hereby requests all Publishers and educational material developers to submit their materials based on the new curriculum for assessment.
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The assessment and approval system will be an ongoing process. Publishers
and educational materials developers are entreated to submit their books,
whenever they are completed, for assessment. Copies of the curriculum can
be obtained from the NaCCA Head Office, South Ridge Road, Accra.
Submissions shall be for the learning areas of the Common Core Programme
for Basic 7 to 9 as outlined below:
National Council for Curriculum and Assessment Learning Areas Materials Required
1. Arabic Language
2. Career Technology
3. Computing
4. Creative Arts and Design
5. English Language
6. French Language
7. Ghanaian Languages
8. Mathematics
9. Physical and Health Education
10. Religious and Moral Education
11. Science
12. Social Studies
Leaners Books and Facilitators Guides for each grade of the learning area
Each learning area represents a separate assessment package. Publishers
may submit one or more packages for assessment.
A package will comprise
three learner’s books for each grade with their accompanying three
facilitator’s guides.
However, per-grade single packages comprising a Learners Book and Facilitators Guide of a particular grade may be submitted for assessment.
Ghanaian Languages represents all the twelve written
languages; publishers may submit for one or more languages as applicable.
Only learners books and facilitators guides which have been assessed and
listed on the approved titles database of NaCCA will be eligible for use in
Ghanaian schools.
Suitably qualified school textbook publishers, registered in Ghana, are now
invited to download the Submission Guidelines from the NaCCA website
They are also invited to submit suitable textbooks to NaCCA in accordance with the requirements established in the Submission Guidelines.
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All submissions should be accompanied by a submission fee as specified in
Publishers must ensure that they receive an official receipt for all
payments made. Submission fees paid are not refundable.
National Council for Curriculum and Assessment
Publishers submissions for this Common Core Programme must be made in
the form and in the number of copies prescribed in the Common Core
Programme Submission Guidelines, to the NaCCA Head Office, South Ridge
Road, Accra.
NaCCA will maintain a register of all submissions received from all submitting
By submitting textbooks to NaCCA for assessment and approval, the publisher
explicitly accepts the terms and conditions specified and defined in the
Submission Guidelines.
The Submission Procedures for Textbook Assessment and Approval for the
Common Core Programme comprises the following documents, which are
available at
Publishers Can Download the CCP Curriculum Textbook Submission Guidelines October 2021 HERE
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Get the Ghana Education ServiceNew Standard–Based Scheme of Learning (SOL)HERE
Get the Ghana Education Service New Standard–Based Curriculum HERE
Get the WAECBECE, WASSCE, NTC Licensure Exam, and Teachers’ Promotion Exam Past Questions HERE
Download Teachers Guide on SBCand CCP Curriculums HERE
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