GNAT commends government for ‘one teacher, one laptop’ initiative


Mr Peter Tetteh Korda, Public Relations Officer, Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), has commended the government for launching the “One Teacher, One Laptop” to aid effective teaching and learning in schools.

“The initiative is good and we welcome it because the way teachers teach has changed due to the outbreak of COVID-19,” he said.

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He said the pandemic had to a large extent decreased the face to face learning in favour of the online platform, adding that the initiative would help teachers to be in line with the technological space and deliver as expected.

Mr Korda said the laptop would help the teachers to do research and prepare their lesson notes to improve learning outcomes.

“We as a teacher association are interested in any initiative that will enure to the benefit of members and the students as well, “he said.

He said the initiative would build the needed confidence among the teachers to give off their optimum best and also improve the performance of the students for national growth.

Mr Korda appealed to the teachers to make good use of the laptops, urging them to use them for the intended purposes to enhance teaching and learning in schools.

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On September 3, Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia unveiled the “One Teacher, One Laptop” programme at Saint Mary’s Senior High School (SHS) in Accra.

The Vice President symbolically presented four laptops to four teachers from Saint Mary’s Senior High School to begin the distribution of the laptops.

Under the programme, every teacher in the public school from Kindergarten to the SHS would receive a computer laptop.

The government will pay 70 per cent of the cost of the laptop while each teacher pays the remaining 30 per cent.

KA Technologies, a locally based ICT firm, is the manufacturer of the laptops.

GNAT commends government for 'one teacher, one laptop' initiative | 1 GNAT commends government for 'one teacher, one laptop' initiative | 2

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