Ferdinand|EducationGhana| October 29|Accra College of Education Library
Accra College of Education was established in November 1902 at Accra New Town as a Government Teacher Training College with an initial intake of nineteen (19) students, The College was moved to its present site at East Legon in January 1985.
It remained the only non-residential teacher training college until October 2001 when it gained its full residential status. Over the years, the College has run different programmes including Certificate ‘A’ 4-year Post Middle;
Certificate ‘A’ 2-year Post Secondary; 2-Year Modular Post Middle for pupil teachers; Certificate ‘A’ 3-Year Post Secondary, 3-Year Diploma in Basic Education and is currently running 4-Year Bachelor in Primary Education, and 4-year Bachelor in Junior High Education programmes with a specialization largely in the Social Sciences.
The College was affiliated to the University of Cape Coast until 2018 when it had a new affiliation with the University of Ghana, Legon. The College has six academic departments: Languages, Social Sciences, Education Studies, Vocational Skills, Mathematics/ICT, and
The College also currently has nine non-academic departments/Units: Central Administration, Internal Audit, Library, Catering, Works and Estates, Finance and Accounts, Laboratory, Security, Sanitation and General Labour, Procurement and Stores, Transport and ICT. The College has a staff strength of 121 comprising 54 academic staff and 67 non-academic staff.
Every year the College produces graduates who serve at all levels in the country’s educational institutions as well as in the civil and public service at top management positions. Others have become very successful in their private businesses.
Various Principals have contributed greatly to the upliftment of the College since its inception to date.
The current Principal, Dr Samuel Awinkene Atintono, was duly appointed as the 7th Principal of Accra College of Education on November l, 2018 through a competitive interview spearheaded by the National Council for Tertiary Education (NCTE) and subsequently confirmed by the Governing Council of Accra College of Education.
Accra College of Education Library
Accra College of Education has a well-furnished library to help with the implementation of the Bachelor of Education PROGRAMMES.

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