Ferdinand| EducationGhana | December 06 |TTAG to organize two General Assembly Meetings within one Year
The Teacher Trainees Association of Ghana (TTAG) has released Constitutional Instrument (CI) for the 2022 Reviewed Constitution. The Consitution was reviewed from 2016 to 2022 under the chairmanship of Oscar Kofi Agbo, a former Chairman of the Judicial Committee of the Associaton.
The CI on the Colossal Review of the TTAG Constitution was presented to an Extra Ordinary General Assembly held at the SDA College of Education, Asokore-Koforidua on December 4, 2022.
The Association saw the need to have a new Constitution which is dynamic enough to satisfy the changing trends of TTAG which is evident today, where some provisions in the Constitution have outlived their essence while other legal and administrative inputs which the dynamism of the Association had warranted over the years had no Constitutional
Provisions to that effect.
The Committee was tasked to do a colossal review of the TTAG Constitution.
As a prerequisite and for the purpose of coordination, the Committee adopted a consultative approach in its operations, this it did by consulting with a broad spectrum of students and individuals in their official or private capacities as the case may be, the prime consideration being the contribution they can make to this all-important exercise towards the attainment of a more consecrated Constitution for the Association.
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The Committee accepted only written submissions from the TTAG fraternity. Such opinions were carefully examined and analyzed. Where there was the need of asking anyone to come in person before the committee in order to explain, elaborate or clarify any point in their written submission, the committee extended such invitations.
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However, for the benefit of those that did not get the opportunity to intercept the hardcopy of the TTAG Constitution, a softcopy was attached to a notice sent to the trainee fraternity to seek for their views and ideas before the commencement of work.
All proposals were forwarded to the Committee via the email address:
The Committee has made briefings and presentations on the document to the statutory bodies of the Association i.e., the National Executive Council, the Judicial Committee and the General Assembly.
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Prospective Students can also check out the Admission Deadlines for Tertiary Institutions in Ghana as well as their Entry Requirements before Applying.
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