Requirement for the issuance of Certificates to Private BECE Candidates

    PRIVATE TERM Updated Rules and Regulations for dealing with cases of Irregularities in BECE and WASSCE 20 full 1 OFFICIAL date education GES BECE waec REQUIRE ENGLISH

    EducationGhana| March 01| Requirement for the issuance of Certificates to Private BECE Candidates: PrivateĀ  BECE Candidates are now required to apply for their certificates online.

    The certificates will be dispatched to the WAEC Office of their choice for collection.

    Candidates are also informed that the certificates for private candidates will be printed only on request and should be collected within 48 hours.

    Check This Out: Candidate Eligibility and subjects Available for BECE in Ghana

    For the issuance of a certificate, the applicant will be required to provide the following:

    1. Your Name (in full as used in the examination)
    2. The Name, Month and Year of Examination
    3. Your Index Number
    4. Date of Birth
    5. Telephone Number
    6. Email Address (Should be active)
    7. Candidates will be required to produce a valid identification document when collecting their certificates.

      Check Business Courses being offered at the SHS in Ghana HERE

    Requirement for the issuance of Certificates to Private BECE Candidates | 1 


    Requirement for the issuance of Certificates to Private BECE Candidates | 2

    Check the SHS Grading System HERE


    Download the 2022 basic and shs Academic Calendar HERE

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    Prospective Students can also check out theĀ Admission DeadlinesĀ for Tertiary Institutions in Ghana as well as theirĀ Entry Requirements before Applying.

    They can also check the Institionsā€™Ā cut off pointsandHow to Applyto the various Tertiary Institutions in Ghana as well as the Insitutionsā€™Ā Fees Schedulesfor any particular Semester or Year.

    Requirement for the issuance of Certificates to Private BECE Candidates | 3UEW NEW ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES



    Get theĀ Ā WAECĀ Marking SchemesĀ HERE

    Get theNaCCA/GESĀ Standard-Based Lesson PlansĀ HERE

    Get theĀ Ghana Education ServiceNew Standardā€“Based Scheme of Learning (SOL)HERE

    Get theĀ Ghana Education ServiceĀ New Standardā€“Based CurriculumĀ HERE

    Get the WAECBECE, WASSCE, NTC Licensure Exam, and Teachersā€™ Promotion Exam Past QuestionsĀ HERE

    Download Teachers Guide on SBCand CCP CurriculumsĀ HERE

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