Let us protect the Integrity of Women – General Manager of EPCG Schools

Let us protect the Integrity of Women - General Manager of EPCG Schools

The General Manager of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana (EPCG) Schools has reiterated the need to protect the integrity of women in society.

Mrs Marian Jemima Akua Adzroe salutes Ghanaian women as today marks International Women’s Day.

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Below is her full statement

Today marks a very important day across the globe. International Women’s Day, is a day of recognition and celebration of women globally.

It is a day of the year that recognizes the great values that women bring to individual communities and collectively to the world at large as well as depicts the incredible struggles of women who have paved the way for others.


The fact remains that as we build our homes we build our country. When the home lacks a true value system, it breeds discontent, affecting the friendliness, loving atmosphere that every child would need to grow and develop responsibly. Obviously, the nation’s societal value system will be negatively impacted. So, it is important to understand the role of the woman in all these.

It is important to emphasize that the woman is at the centre of home building, therefore requires some skills and knowledge, that is why the education of the woman is very important and non-negotiable. Although some achievements and successes have been chalked, it can be argued that much more can be achieved when opportunities are made available to women.

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In the 21 Century, it is refreshing to note that more and more women are taking up leadership in all spheres of life. For example in Ghana, we have had women leading the Legislature, Judiciary, Electoral Commission, Ministers of State Institutions etc. It is, therefore, equally important to recognise women on the world stage. Few examples like the political leadership in Germany, IMF and recently WTO. Even in the male-dominated vocations, women have risen to the occasion.

However, societal challenges are still preventing the majority of women to develop their full potentials. It is important to recognise some dehumanising practices women have suffered, particularly on the African Continent. For example, female genital mutilation, child marriage, rape, child labour.


In all these, the girl child is the most affected. The woman on the other hand would have to endure persecution on different fronts in her career development. For instance, when a woman is seen to be assertive, she is referred to as disrespectful and arrogant per societal standards, a single woman is referred to as a prostitute, widows and aged are tagged, witches.

In certain communities they are ostracized, to some extent, they are abused, lynched etc. We can no longer stay unconcerned and looked on as has been the case when these atrocities are perpetrated against women.

That is why we must rise up against all forms of societal and cultural negativities against women. Women must rise to take the challenge and continue to imbibe in their children the good old moral values for national cohesion and development.

The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is ‘Choose to Challenge’ Despite the struggle women of all nations are confronted with, particularly Ghana, women are encouraged on this special day to defy all odds to positively choose to challenge the status quo.

In congratulating women on this special day, women are strongly advised to be focus and keep their eyes on the ball and keep faith in God in all their endeavours.

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Let us protect the Integrity of Women - General Manager of EPCG SchoolsLet us protect the Integrity of Women - General Manager of EPCG Schools

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Ellis Ferdinand
Ellis Ferdinand is a Journalist, Blogger and Founder of Ellis Multimedia, a parent company of EducationGhana.org, an Online Education News Blog, PoliticsGhana.com and GhanaNaija.net.Ellis Ferdinand is a Graduate of Accra College of Education and the University of Cape Coast, where he obtained a Diploma In Basic Education and a Bachelor of Education in Accounting. He is currently Reading his Master of Philosophy in Curriculum and Pedagogic Studies at the University of Education, Winneba in Ghana.Ellis Ferdinand won Blogger of the Year at the 2018 National Students’ Awards and was also adjudged 14th Best Ghanain Blogger in 2018 among the Top 50 Ghanaian Bloggers of 2018.He introduced the Concept of Education Blogging in Ghana in 2014 with his famous blog EducationGhana.net. now EducationGhana.orgHis Blog won Best Media Promoting Education in 2017, 2018 and 2019 respectively, an Award organized by Neogenics Education Consult.In 2019, He adjudged the Most Promising West African Blogger of the Year in Nigeria. He won Writer of the Year at the 2021 EDUCOM AWARDS

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