How to Protect Yoursellf against Coronavirus Infection

In light of the detection of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Ghana, citizens have been advised by health experts on precautionary measures to limit the spread of the virus.

So far in Ghana, six persons have been confirmed to have contracted the novel coronavirus.

Here are six steps to help protect yourself from the novel coronavirus:

  1. Wash your hands frequently: Washing of hands is one of the steps to help one protect himself or herself from contracting the virus. Scour hands with anti-bacterial soap under running water.

Why?: Washing of hands with anti-bacterial soaps kills viruses and it is one of the simplest forms of keeping oneself safe.

  1. Frequent the use of alcohol-based hand rubs: Use alcohol-based hand rubs when hands are not visibly dirty. Hand sanitizers should have a higher amount of alcohol concentration.

Why?: Hand sanitizers are potable and a more modern way of disinfecting your hands.

  1. The One Metre Principle: Keep a distance of at least one metre from a person showing signs of fever, cough and difficulty in breathing.

Why?: When someone coughs or sneezes, small droplets are discharged from the mouth and nostrils which may contain the virus. If you are too close you could inhale the virus.

  1. The Don’t Touch Rule: Do not touch eyes, mouth or nose with unwashed hands.

Why?: Our hands touch many surfaces and could end up getting in touch with this virus. Once contaminated with the disease, the hands can easily transmit it to the eyes, nose and mouths.

Check This Out: Top 8 ways of Talking to Your Children about Coronavirus

  1. Thorough cooking: Thoroughly cook meat, eggs and foods that are meant for mass consumption as well as for our homes.

Why?: Properly cooked foods kills all forms of viruses. Enough heat can help kill all forms of viruses.

  1. Keep your body fit: Be physically active in these times. Eat healthy balanced diet foods, drink a lot of water, reduce stress and get enough sleep.

Why? : Good exercise boosts your immune system and can help increase chances of survival. Eating well, drinking enough water and sleeping well also factor in boosting the immune system.

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