2022: General Science Courses being offered at the SHSs in Ghana


EducationGhana| January 23|General Science Programmes or Courses being offered in the Senior High Schools in Ghana: Ghanaian Senior High and Technical Schools offer some specific and general courses that are meant to progress the students into any Tertiary Institution in and out of Ghana.

Some of the very programmes being offered at the Senior High and Technical Schools include the following: Business, Science, Home Economics etc.

This article shall give an insight into the General Science programme, its rational and specific courses or subjects being taught under it.

The General Science programme is meant to allow students to prepare themselves to take up science-related programmes in the universities or colleges of Education as well as Health Institutions.

Some of the courses or subjects being taught under the Science programme are;

  1. Physics

Physics, as a discipline, deals with the nature of matter and energy, their interactions and measurements.

The study of Physics has had and continues to have, a big impact on the world community. The ideas, skills and attitudes derived from the study of physics are being widely applied in various scientific and technological developments.

As an example, development in renewable energy is serving the world profoundly and it is hoped that it will become more available in Ghana to complement other sources for meeting the energy needs of the country.

A specific example of renewable energy is solar, which transforms inappropriate forms such as electrical energy for operating simple equipment, and machinery, and for domestic use.

The principles and applications of physics cut across the various spectrum of everyday life activities like walking, lifting objects, seeing and taking photographs.

2. Chemistry

Chemistry is concerned with the study of matter and its changes. As such, it is about us humans and everything around us.

Chemistry keeps living things alive through the numerous changes that take place in their bodies.

Around us for example, there is chemistry in foods, clothing, medicine,
shelter and in our transportation system.

There is also chemistry in outer space. Household items like soap, plastics, books, radio, TV, video and computers would not exist without chemistry.

Chemistry enables us to understand, explain, control and prevent phenomena like bush fires, industrial pollution, corrosion of metals and the depletion of the ozone layer. Chemistry is therefore a subject of vital importance for life.

Check Business Courses being offered at the SHS in Ghana HERE


3. Biology

The survival of humans and the development of nations would ever depend more and more on science and technology.

Biology however is a branch of natural science that is devoted to the study of life and the activities of all living things from bacteria to high plants and animals.

The survival of humans nevertheless depends greatly on the knowledge and understanding of the structure and functions of organisms and how they interact with one another and the environment.

This invariably leads to the necessity of the conservation of living things and other natural resources.

The need to teach Biology ultimately must be to explain the living world in terms of scientific principles although appreciating that, organisms behave in ways which
often seem beyond the capabilities of their component parts.

It is also to guide and inculcate in the learner skills in observing and measuring, formulating hypotheses, predicting and designing, investigating, recording data and interpreting results, drawing conclusions and communicating them.

The knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired through the study of Biology is to provide the learner with the necessary basic tools for employment in a laboratory, industry, agriculture, horticulture, forestry, health care, work with animals, marine and freshwater biology, information science, administration, finance, management and teaching.

It further equips the learner for further studies and research in pure and applied science and technology that are vital areas for the advancement of society.

Teaching elective biology in totality guides the learner and makes him/her capable of critical thinking, making meaningful decisions and solving problems.

Check the SHS Grading System HERE


4. Elective Mathematics

The abilities to read, analyze and calculate are the three fundamental skills that are vital for living and working.

The level of mathematics one may study depends upon the type of work or profession one may choose in life and on one‟s aptitude and interest.

Elective mathematics deals with reasoning by analogies, making judgments through discrimination of values, analysis of data, and communication of one‟s thoughts through symbolic expression and graphs.

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Elective Mathematics at the Senior High School level builds on the Core Mathematics of Senior High School.

It is a requirement as a foundation for those who would wish to embark on professional studies in engineering, scientific research, and a number of studies in tertiary and other institutions of higher learning.

Download the 2022 basic and shs Academic Calendar HERE

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Prospective Students can also check out the Admission Deadlines for Tertiary Institutions in Ghana as well as their Entry Requirements before Applying.

They can also check the Institions’ cut off pointsandHow to Applyto the various Tertiary Institutions in Ghana as well as the Insitutions’ Fees Schedulesfor any particular Semester or Year.

2022: General Science Courses being offered at the SHSs in Ghana | 1UEW NEW ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES



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