2022 COLA STRIKE: Government came empty-handed to plead for our return to the classroom-Teacher Unions

2022 COLA STRIKE: The government came empty-handed to plead for our return to the classroom-Teacher Unions
2022 COLA STRIKE: The government came empty-handed to plead for our return to the classroom-Teacher Unions

EducationGhana| July 07| 2022 COLA STRIKE: The government came empty-handed to plead for our return to the classroom-Teacher Unions:

The leadership of Teacher Unions at the pre-tertiary education level have accused the government representatives at the COst of Leaving Allowance (COLA) Strike meeting of bringing no tangible and convincing topic for discourse.

The Unions who were invited to a meeting by the government on July 06, 2022, after their strike action on July 04 at the Ministry of Education premises, indicated that the Government representatives o0nly came to plead without bringing solutions to their problems by giving them a 20% COLA.

The Unions thereby called on their members to remain resolute and continue with the strike action until the 20% COLA.


The meeting was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Finance, the CEO of Fair Wages and Salaries Commission, Benjamin Arthur, Director-General of Ghana Education Service, Prof Kwasi Opoku-Amankwa, Minister of Education, Dr Yaw Osei Adutwum and Minister of Employment and Labour Relations, Ignatius Baffour-Awuah.

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A member of the leadership of the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), Isaac Baah who was present at the meeting told JoyNews in an interview that the “government came empty-handed and so we ended the meeting”.

According to him, the crunch meeting held on Wednesday, which was expected to resolve the impasse, did not last long.

He said the representatives at the meeting told them “they did not have the mandate” to grant the 20% Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) the teacher unions have demanded.

Mr Baah explained that the government officials who attended the meeting requested the teacher unions to call off the strike before negotiations could commence.

He however reiterated that teachers will not resume work until the government meets their 20 per cent COLA demand.

“We have already submitted a request way back in February, so at least you know what we are demanding so you should be prepared before inviting us,” Mr Baah said on Newsnight, Wednesday.


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2022 COLA STRIKE: Government came empty-handed to plead for our return to the classroom-Teacher Unions | 1UEW NEW ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES



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