GES outlines Requirement for the payment of Responsibility Allowances to Basic and SHS Teachers

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The Ghana Education Service (GES) has outlined the necessary requirement for the payment of Responsibility Allowances to Primary, Junior High (Basic)  and Senior High School (SHS) Teachers.

The GES in a letter dated March 2, 2021, to all Regional Directors of Education in response to Regional Directors and the Teacher Unions argument in relation to some complaints from a section of staff regarding non-payment of Responsibility Allowance.

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The GES indicated, that for the avoidance of doubt the allowance is not a permanent enrolment paid to all staff.

The allowance according to the GES, is paid to only senior professional staff who are assigned to handle specific additional responsibilities.

Category of Teachers to be given Responsibility Allowances

The categories of staff who qualify for the allowance are:


  1. School Headship……………………………………………..Basic and junior high School
  1. Headmaster/Headmistress ………………………………Senior High School

  2. Assistant Headmaster/Headmistress…………………….Senior High School

  3. Senior Housemaster/Mistress…..Senior High School

  4. Chaplain & Imams……………………………………………Senior High School

  5. Form Master/Mistress……………………………………….Senior High School

  6. Guidance & Counseling Coordinators……………………….Senior High School

  7. Heads of Department (Program Head)……………………..Senior High School

  8. HouseMaster Mistress…………………………………………Senior High School

  9. Unit Heads (Front liners Headquarters. Regional Office. District Education Office……Office Staff

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September 2020 Payments

The GES indicated, that as of September 30, 2020, Forty Thousand, Four Hundred and Sixty-Nine (40,489) staff with additional responsibilities have been captured and paid.

”Any staff who falls within the categories listed but has not been paid the Responsibility Allowance should complete the template at the Regional and District offices for validation.” The GES said.

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