GES marks My First Day at School

The Ghana Education Service (GES) with support from UNICEF has marked its annual ceremony dubbed, ‘My First Day at School’.
This is an event held annually at the beginning of every academic year to welcome children who enter KG for the first time as well as those who join the mainstream school system at Basic One at the various District and Regional Education Directorates.
At the national level, the Deputy Director-General in charge of Management Services, Lawyer Anthony Boateng, country Director for UNICEF, Madam Anne Claire Dufay, Chief Director at the Ministry of Education, Mr Benjamin Gyasi, the Director for Pre Tertiary, Mrs Catherine Appiah Pinkrah and the Director-General for Ghana Health Service, Dr Patrick Aboagye toured schools in the Ayawaso West District, Nima Cluster of Schools, Mamoobi Prisons Basic school Bethany Methodist school among others to mark the event.
Mr Anthony Boateng called on the teachers and caregivers to encourage and support the children to stay safe in school amidst the influx of the Corona Virus pandemic. He said the schools have been made safe for effective teaching and learning.
Madam Anne Claire Dufray reiterated that the PPEs the schools have received should be put to good use to help fight the spread of the COVID-19.
She encouraged learners to always put on their face masks and also observe all the safety protocols to remain safe.
The Director-General of Ghana Health Service, Dr. Patrick Aboagye encouraged the children to observe the Covid 19 protocols to stay safe in the school. He also urged staff to support the children whiles they as adults also stick to the precautionary measures.
Unicef took the opportunity to donate some Wash facilities, Face mask and Thermometer guns to all the schools visited. This is to complement Governments effort to ensure the children are safe in school.

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Ellis Ferdinand
Ellis Ferdinand is a Journalist, Blogger and Founder of Ellis Multimedia, a parent company of, an Online Education News Blog, and Ferdinand is a Graduate of Accra College of Education and the University of Cape Coast, where he obtained a Diploma In Basic Education and a Bachelor of Education in Accounting. He is currently Reading his Master of Philosophy in Curriculum and Pedagogic Studies at the University of Education, Winneba in Ghana.Ellis Ferdinand won Blogger of the Year at the 2018 National Students’ Awards and was also adjudged 14th Best Ghanain Blogger in 2018 among the Top 50 Ghanaian Bloggers of 2018.He introduced the Concept of Education Blogging in Ghana in 2014 with his famous blog now EducationGhana.orgHis Blog won Best Media Promoting Education in 2017, 2018 and 2019 respectively, an Award organized by Neogenics Education Consult.In 2019, He adjudged the Most Promising West African Blogger of the Year in Nigeria. He won Writer of the Year at the 2021 EDUCOM AWARDS

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