Teaching and learning will be largely face-to-face for the 2021/22 academic year in the public Colleges of Education in the country.
The decision was taken by the Conference of Principals of Colleges of Education (PrinCof) during a stakeholder meeting with the Minister of Education, Dr Yaw Osei Adutwum over the week.
Reports suggest that the decision to have much interest in the face to face iteration has been largely due to the challenges being faced by the students during the online lessons which were being introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Reopening Date
The Government of Ghana and the Conference of Principals of Colleges of Education (PrinCof) have had an undecided conversation regarding the reopening date for public colleges of Education fr the 2021/22 Academic year.
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Information gathered by EducationGhana indicates that the Government of Ghana wanted Colleges of Education to defer their admissions for the next academic year until the release of the 2021 West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) results.
But the Principals insisted that the available number of candidates that applied for this year’s admission was enough to admit and begin the new academic year.
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A committee has therefore been tasked by a meeting between the Minister of Education and the leadership of the Conference of Principals within the week to come out with a favourable Calendar for the 2021/22 Academic year.
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