Cameroon streets crowded despite Coronavirus scare

People are still gathering in Cameroonian despite ban of more than 50 people at public places

Despite preventive messages and recommendations announced by the Cameroonian government in dealing with the rising cases of the new coronavirus, many are not adhering to these measures.

Notwithstanding the ban of more than 50 people at public places, this is not the case in Cameroon’s economic capital, Douala.

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Few respect the hygiene rules announced by authorities in an effort to curb the spread of the disease.

“The government must take tough action against stubborn people. I, on the other hand, I am a shopkeeper, I respect the standards, I clean before opening’‘, a shopkeeper Olivier Ndogmo, said.

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In the economic capital, where the informal sector accounts for more than 80% of economic activity, the vast majority of the population refuses to remain confined to their homes. Many feel that they cannot make ends meet and feed their families at home.

“We feel these measures have not taken into account the specific character of Cameroon an economist Sylvain Tchokoga, said.

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‘‘We have put in place exactly the measures that other nations have taken, but those nations – or those countries – have the coercive means to enforce the measures taken by the government”, he added.

Cameroon has so far recorded 20 new coronavirus cases, the second-highest figure in Central Africa after the DRC with 23 confirmed cases.


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Ellis Ferdinand
Ellis Ferdinand is a Journalist, Blogger and Founder of Ellis Multimedia, a parent company of, an Online Education News Blog, and Ferdinand is a Graduate of Accra College of Education and the University of Cape Coast, where he obtained a Diploma In Basic Education and a Bachelor of Education in Accounting. He is currently Reading his Master of Philosophy in Curriculum and Pedagogic Studies at the University of Education, Winneba in Ghana.Ellis Ferdinand won Blogger of the Year at the 2018 National Students’ Awards and was also adjudged 14th Best Ghanain Blogger in 2018 among the Top 50 Ghanaian Bloggers of 2018.He introduced the Concept of Education Blogging in Ghana in 2014 with his famous blog now EducationGhana.orgHis Blog won Best Media Promoting Education in 2017, 2018 and 2019 respectively, an Award organized by Neogenics Education Consult.In 2019, He adjudged the Most Promising West African Blogger of the Year in Nigeria. He won Writer of the Year at the 2021 EDUCOM AWARDS

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