Home CLASSROOM BECE Past Questions BECE 2022: RME Likely Questions with Suggestive Answers for Candidates

BECE 2022: RME Likely Questions with Suggestive Answers for Candidates

Ferdinand| EduucationGhana| October 4| BECE 2022: RME Likely Questions with Answers for Candidates

This article gives candidates the preparatory guidelines and tips for the 2022 BECE for them to be able to follow the trends in the conduct of the exams.

It is not meant to give students exact questions from WAEC but a comprehensive analysis of how the questions are been set over the years.



a. Describe four(4) Christian religious practices
b. Outline four(4) moral importance of Christian religious practice


a. Briefly describe how Christians performed baptism
b. Describe four(4) importance of


Question 3

a. What is Christian worship?
b. Outline four(4) modes of Christian worship
c. State four importance of Christian worship

Question 4

a. Explain the meaning of prayer in Christianity
b. List the types of Christian prayers
c. Describe four modes of Christian prayers
d. Outline four importance of Christian prayers

Question 5

a. What is Salat?
b. Describe how Salat is performed
c. Outline five importance of Salat

Question 6

d. Explain the pillars in Islam
e. Describe four important prayers in Islam


a. Explain the meaning of ablution
b. Describe how ablution is performed
c. Highlight the significance of ablution

Question 8

a. What is worship in traditional religion?
b. Explain four modes of traditional worship
c. Highlight four importance of worship to the traditional believer

Question 9

a. What is libation
b. List the forms and mode of libation
c. Explain the significance of libation

Question 10

a. What is sacrifice?
b. List four items used for sacrifice
c. Explain the types of sacrifice
d. Outline four importance of sacrifice

Question 11

a. What is divination?
b. Outline four ways of seeking divination
c. Outline four significance of divination to the believer


Question 12

a. Differentiate between religious and non-religious songs
b. Outline the moral implications of religious songs

Question 13

a. What is a Christian religious home?
b. Outline four features of a Christian religious neighbourhood
c. Highlight four benefits of living in a Christian religious neighbourhood

Question 14

a. What is an Islamic religious home?
b. Outline four features of Islamic religious neighbourhood
c. Highlight four benefits of living in an Islamic religious neighbourhood

d. Outline four ways by which the religious groups in our communities can live

Question 15

a. What is a traditional religious home?
b. Outline four features of traditional religious neighbourhood
c. Highlight four benefits of living in a traditional religious neighbourhood


Question 16

a. Differentiate between a Patriarch and a prophet
b. Account for two Patriarch and prophets in the bible
c. Highlight the moral lessons learnt from the personalities mentioned above

Question 17

a. What is a caliph?
b. Outline the contributions of any of the two caliphs to Islam
c. Explain four moral lessons learnt from their stories

Question 18

a. Outline five facts on at least any two of the following traditional personalities
i. Egya Adhor
ii. Komfo Anokye
iii. Tweneboa Kodua
iv. Togui Tsali

b. State four moral lessons that can be learnt from the personalities

Question 19

a. Narrate briefly the life history of
i. Jesus Christ according to the Bible
ii. The prophet Muhammad

b. State four moral teachings each of the two personalities above

Question 20

a. Narrate the call of the following according to the bible
i. Moses
ii. Abraham

b. State three lessons that can be learnt from the personalities above

Question 21

a. Narrate the story of Joseph
b. State four lessons that can be learnt from the story

Question 22

a. Narrate the circumstance that led to the birth of Moses
b. Narrate how Moses came to live in the house of Pharaoh
c. Describe how the Israelites crossed the red sea

d. State the plague which God inflicted on the Egyptians
e. Describe the circumstance that led the Israelites to leave Egypt
f. Describe how God saved the firstborn of the Israelites during the Passover night
g. State four lessons learned from the accounts above

Question 23

a. Mention five traditional religious personalities
b. Write five important facts about these personalities
c. Write three lessons learnt from these personalities

Question 24

a. Describe how God saved Noah’s household during the global deluge
b. Outline four lessons learnt from the story of Noah


Question 25

a. Narrate the creation story according to;
i. Islam
ii. Christians
iii. African traditional religion

b. State three attributes of God learnt from the story

Question 26

a. Explain the importance of the following things created by God
i. Plant
ii. The environment

iii. Light
iv. Water bodies
v. The land

b. Account for four ways by which the following could be destroyed by man
i. Plants
ii. The environment
iii. Water bodies
iv. The land

c. State the ways of protecting the aspects creations above

Question 27

a. Explain the meaning of attributes of God
b. Mention and explain four attributes of God
c. State what we can be learnt from the attributes of good

Question 28

a. Explain the presence of God in his creation
b. Explain how God created Adam and Eve
c. Explain how sin entered the world
d. State three lessons learnt from the story
e. What are religious songs
f. Explain the importance of religious songs


Question 29

a. Describe the puberty rite according in
i. Akan
ii. krobo

b. Outline five importance of puberty rites in
i. Akan
ii. Krobo

Question 30

a. Outline five causes of death in the society
b. Describe the death rites according to
i. Muslims
ii. Christians

iii. Traditional religion

c. Explain five reasons for death rites in the three main religions in Ghana

Question 31

a. Describe how the naming ceremony is performed among
i. Akan
ii. Ga
iii. Ewe

b. Explain four importance of the naming ceremony

Check This Out: BECE 2022: RME Possible Topics and Questions with Answers for Candidates


Question 32

a. Write the first five of the ten commandments
b. Outline five moral teachings of the ten commandments

Question 33

Write five moral implications of the following parts of the Ten Commandments
a. Honour your father and mother
b. Do not envy

Question 34

a. Define proverb
b. State five proverbs in the traditional society
c. Outline five moral implications of proverbs to the society

Question 35

a. Mention four parables from Jesus Christ according to the bible
b. Narrate two of the parables in (a)
c. State the moral lessons learnt from the parable

Question 36

a. Write five facts in the following

i. The beatitudes
ii. Ephesians 5:15-21
iii. Epistle of James(1-5)
iv. Salt and light

b. Write five moral implications in each of the above

c. Narrate the following parables
I. Sower
II. Prodigal son
III. Good Samaritan
IV. Unjust steward
V. Rich fool
VI. Salt and light
VII. Ten virgins

d. State four moral lessons learnt from the parables

Question 37

Outline five lessons learnt from the following moral teachings in Islam in
a. Hadith
b. Surah
c. Quran

Question 38

Outline five moral teachings in our traditional society

Question 39

a. What is taboo
b. Mention four examples to taboos
c. Account for the importance of taboos

Check This Out: BECE 2022: Social Studies Possible Topics and Questions with Answers



1. Commitment/obedience
2. Rewards and punishment
3. Good deeds and bad deeds
4. Repentance
5. Obedience

BECE 2022: RME Likely Questions with Suggestive Answers for Candidates | 1


1. Morality, chastity and immorality, moral teachings
2. Rewards and punishment, Good deeds and bad deeds
3. Obedience
4. Commitment

These topics have a total of 95% confidence level. So if you learn these topics there is no way you can’t get a question to answer.


Question 1

a. Describe how people greet in Ghana
b. Explain the importance of greetings

Check This Out: BECE 2022: Important Steps on How to Answer Social Studies Questions Correctly

Question 2

a. state four ways by which people dressed in Ghana
b. explain four importance of good dressing
c. explain four negative effects of bad dressing
d. outline four indecent dressings in our communities

Question 3

a. Explain the following
i. comportment
ii. courtesy

b. Explain how one can show comportment
c. Outline how one can show courtesy

Question 4

a. Account for five the importance of comportment and courtesy
Chastity and immorality

Question 5

a. What is chastity
b. Outline the ways of staying chaste
c. Explain the importance of chastity

Question 6

a. What is immorality
b. List five immoral acts in our society
c. Explain four effects of immorality

Question 7

a. list four examples of sexual transmitted diseases that can be resulted through
b. State the causes of such diseases
c. State the ways of controlling such diseases
Commitment& obedience


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Question 8

a. what is commitment
b. explain how one can show commitment to
i. God
ii. Society(community)
iii. The family

c. Outline four reasons for showing commitment to
i. God
ii. Society
iii. Friends
iv. Family

d. Highlight five importance of commitment

Question 9

a. What is obedience?
b. Outline four importance of obedience
c. Suggests four ways by which one can show obedience to
i. God
ii. Society
iii. Family

d. Explain four reasons why people should obey;
i. God
ii. Parents
iii. authorities

Reward and punishment

Question 10

a. List four acts which constitute bad deeds 4marks
b. Explain four reasons why bad deeds are punished 16marks

Question 11

a. What is punishment 4marks
b. Explain four forms of punishment 16marks
Substance Abuse

Question 12

a. What is substance abuse
b. List four forms of substance abuse
c. Explain four effects of substance abuse
d. State the effects of substance abuse
e. Explain the need to avoid substance abuse
f. Mention the ways of avoiding substance abuse

BECE 2022 topics

1. Time
2. Work and money
3. Religious Youth organization
4. Family

Check This Out: BECE 2022: Important Steps on How to Answer Social Studies Questions Correctly


Leisure time, money

Question 1

a. Explain the following
i. Time
ii. Leisure
b. Explain how one can use his/her time profitably

Question 2

a. Differentiate between leisure and idleness
b. Outline the importance of leisure
c. State four effects of idleness Work and money

Question 3

a. Explain the following
i. Work
ii. Money

b. List the various types of work and give examples
c. Explain the importance of work

Question 4

Explain how one can develop the spirit of hard work

Question 5

In what four ways is work important

Question 6

a. What is money

b. Explain the usefulness of money
c. State four ways of defacing money
d. Outline four ways of handling money appropriately
e. Highlight the effects of using defaced money

Question 7

a. Explain five importance of money
b. Explain four importance of contributing money towards God’s work
c. Explain five honest ways of earning money

Question 8

a. Outline the reasons why students should not cheat in examinations
b. State four reasons why students cheat in examinations
c. Mention four effects of cheating in examination

Question 9

a. What is human rights
b. Outline four ways by which rights of a child can be protected
c. Explain any five forms of human rights

Question 10

a. What is family
b. List and explain the types of family
c. Outline the importance of the types of family
d. Outline the disadvantages of the types of family

e. Outline five functions of family
f. Explain how family members can re-examine themselves
g. Give the reasons for self-examination in the family
h. Give ways by which the family can live peacefully
i. Examine the role of family members

Question 11

d. What is human rights
e. Outline four ways by which rights of a child can be protected
f. Explain any five forms of human rights

Question 12

Religious homes

a. Explain four features of Islamic, Christian and traditional religious homes
b. Suggest five ways by which people from different religious groups could
co-exist peacefully.
c. Describe five life patterns of the three main religions in Ghana

Check This Out: BECE 2022: 100 Top Social Studies Likely Questions and Suggestive Answers for Candidates

Question 13

Read on Religious Youth Organizations

Question 14

a. What is a religious youth organization?
b. List four examples of religious youth organizations in each of the three main religions in Ghana
c. Explain five aims of religious youth organizations
d. Describe five benefits of religious youth organizations
e. Highlight five problems facing religious youth organizations

Candidates can download a copy of the format of the questions HERE


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