2022 COLA STRIKE: Teachers proposed 13 Allowances for New Salary Negotiations

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A/R: GES, NTC engage 3 Districts to develop PLC Session Materials

EducationGhana| July 10| 2022 COLA STRIKE: Teachers proposed 13 Allowances for New Salary Negotiations:

A Ghanaian Teacher, Koranteng Obeng and a member of the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) in collaboration with teachers across the country are requesting a list of 13 allowances for their next salary negotiation.

Read the Proposal below:


Each allowance should appear as a separate item on the pay slip not consolidated as we have it currently.

1. Inconvenience allowance:

This involves
– taking children out for co-curricular activities
– poor ventilation of classrooms.
– the task of maintaining order and class control.

2. Risk allowance

– health risks of dust from chalk particles
– health risks of continuous talking and standing with its effect on the lungs and waist respectively.
– weak classroom blocks


3. Rent allowance

4. Transportation allowance

5. Clothing allowance

6. Marking allowance


7. Credit facility at a reduced rate possible can be negotiated for teachers, it’s done at other sectors, eg, audit service] to purchase a house or means of transportation.

8. Class size allowance

9. Extra duty allowance

10. Child support [scholarship for up to 3 children]



LI (Legislative Instrument) that at the end of every academic year, every teacher in any public pre-tertiary institution of Ghana shall be paid an amount equivalent to 50% of his or her total annual salary or 10% of his or her total salary for the number of years he or she has served as a teacher without breaking service.

12. Entertainment allowance. To release stress we need to go out with family n friends.

13. Utility allowance.

14. We can add more

@⁨+233 24 271 6708⁩
@⁨Koranteng Obeng(GNAT Dist)⁩

Also Important:

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Term 2 Week 1: Basic 7 (JHS 1) Sample Lesson Plans >>>>>            Download

CCP Curriculum Materials for Basic 7 to Basic 9 Subjects >>>             Download

PowerPoint Presentations on CCP Curriculum for Basic 7 to 9              Download

National Pre-Tertiary Learning Assessment Framework >>>                Download

CCP Curriculum Training Manual for Basic 7 to 9 Teachers >>>            Download

CCP Curriculum Teacher and Learners Resource Packs for Basic 7 to 9  Download

Check the SHS Grading System HERE


Download the 2022 basic and shs Academic Calendar HERE

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Prospective Students can also check out the Admission Deadlines for Tertiary Institutions in Ghana as well as their Entry Requirements before Applying.

They can also check the Institions’ cut off pointsandHow to Applyto the various Tertiary Institutions in Ghana as well as the Insitutions’ Fees Schedulesfor any particular Semester or Year.

2022 COLA STRIKE: Teachers proposed 13 Allowances for New Salary Negotiations | 1UEW NEW ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES



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