The Education Minister has disclosed that students who do Visual Arts as a course in the second cycle institution can continue to do engineering in tertiary if they so desire.
Dr Yaw Adutwum added that the government is working closely with Ghana Tertiary Education Commission to allow Visual Arts students to pursue a course and career in engineering.
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He explained that engineering requires creativity, and impediments should not be placed in the way of visual arts students who possess such qualities.
“This year, we are going to get, for the first time in the history of this country, our students who are doing visual arts will be given the opportunity to become engineers. And engineers should not think they are going to destroy their profession.
“I don’t think we can do engineering very well if we don’t have people who are creative in the midst of it. I am not saying lower standards; they will come in and do pre-engineering and pass the same physics and chemistry courses you expect of everyone. And once they do that, why should we put barriers in their way?”
According to the Bosomtwe MP, he does not understand why a country in need of such technical skills will continue to limit access for people seeking to enrol in such programs.
“I don’t understand, why as a nation where we need critical skills for transformation, we are the ones who put barriers in the way of youth who are determined.”
For him, students who do visual arts must not be limited to the arts or doing menial jobs but allowed to dream of achieving the highest goals of their lives.
“A 14-year-old makes a decision, or sometimes the school even push them to do visual arts, and then we tell him with a straight face that that is the end of you.
“Last year 83,000 students did Visual Arts and they only thing they can do is B.A, Art, drawing something or set up a shop by the street side, we are telling them we’d never allowed them to change their minds.
“And if that child wants to do engineering, they must be given a chance; if they do not prove themselves, then it’s not your fault.”
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