Teachers’ Laptop: Gov’t takes 70% cost of Laptops for Pre-tertiary Teachers


Teachers at the Pre-tertiary schools are expected to receive a Government of Ghana supported laptops to aid their works in the implementation of the New Curriculums being introduced by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment ( NaCCA).

A meeting between the Pre-tertiary Education Teacher Unions and the Ghana Education Service concluded, that the Government if Ghana should pay 70% of the total cost of the laptops while the Teachers pay the remaining 30% of the cost of the Laptop.


Total Cost

It is being reported, that the Total Cost of each laptop is GHC 1550.00

The Laptops are said to be ready fo distributed to teachers on a cost-sharing basis of 70% by the government and 30% by teachers.


Features of the Laptop

The following are proposed features to be captured :

  1. Temple for lesson notes

2.  Scheme of work

  1. Curriculum from KG to SHS

4.  Labour Act

5.  Code of conduct

6.  Education Bill

  1. Teacher Standards

  2. Text Books

  3. Ghana’s Constitution etc

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Payment Structure

According to reports, the Government shall pay an amount of GH₵1085 whilst Teachers shall pay GH₵465.00.


GH₵38.75  per month for 12 months will be deducted at source.

Teachers' Laptop: Gov't takes 70% cost of Laptops for Pre-tertiary Teachers | 1 Teachers' Laptop: Gov't takes 70% cost of Laptops for Pre-tertiary Teachers | 2

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Get the Ghana Education Service New Standard – Based Scheme of Learning (SOL) HERE

Get the Ghana Education Service New Standard – Based Curriculum HERE

Get the  WAEC Marking SchemesHERE

Get the NaCCA/GES Standard -Based Lesson PlansHERE

Get the WAEC BECE, WASSCE, NTC Licensure Exam, and Teachers’ Promotion Exam Past Questions HERE


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