Private Schools begin training of teachers on CCP Curriculum

The Ghana National Council of Private Schools, GNACOPS, on Wednesday, 3rd February 2021 launched the cascading training on the Common Core Programme, CCP for the B7(JHS1) to B10(SHS 1) after the simulation exercise organised by the council on the common core program at Somanya in the Eastern region of Ghana.
The council in collaboration with the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment has trained 108 master trainers on the new Standards-Based Curriculum, SBC, and the common core programs, CCP.

It is expected that these trainees in turn train all private school teachers in the country as termed as cascading training.

The Greater Accra training exercise was held at Atomic Energy commission, kwabenya, where the council, GNACOPS, deployed some master trainers to the Atomic Energy commission centre for the training of 200 private school teachers.

To ensure credibility of the training, some officials for the council were present at the training centre to commemorate the cascading training.

Check This Out:  Regional Training of Private School JHS Teachers on CCP Curriculum begins February 3

Some of the officials in attendance for the program were; the National Executive Director(Mr. Enoch Kwasi Gyetuah), Mr Stephen Maafo, ( Project manager) Mr Nii Quaye Oko Tetteh,(National Board member), Mrs Esther Quist Wood (National Administrator), Mrs Ellen Nti (Accra regional Coordinator), Prince Kweku Entsie(Human Resource Manager) and other members of GNACOPS.

The NED, GNACOPS, addressed the participants in his opening remarks by highlighting on some of the responsibilities embedded on private to ensure that the reforms and policies emanating from the ministry are duly implemented.

He continued by emphasizing that private school teachers, per statistics, are doing their best when it comes to education delivery at the Pre Tertiary level, He proffered by giving evidence to the fact about the results private schools produce after BECE examination.

According to the director, education is gradually moving from pen and paper test to behavioural enhancement and application of knowledge acquired from the classroom.

He revealed that the training as at the time of his presentation was taking effect in other regions in the country, which he included Asamankese in the Eastern region.
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Private Schools begin training of teachers on CCP Curriculum | 3 Private Schools begin training of teachers on CCP Curriculum | 4

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