All 94 primary contacts of the reported COVID19 patient of the University of Ghana have tested negative for the virus.
This comes after they had gone through the mandatory 14-day period of quarantine.
Of the number, eighty-two were students and twelve were identified as employees of the University.
The University says that seventy-four (74) of the primary contacts (students) who were present on campus at the time the University received information about the COVID-19 case, were asked to self-quarantine on campus to avoid the risk of community spread.
The remaining eight who had already left the campus for their homes as well as the employees, were advised by the University of Ghana Emergency Response Team (UG-ERT), and the National Contact Tracing Team to self-quarantine at home.
After initial logistical challenges, the contacts were re-located to a quarantine facility on campus.
This paved the way for easy management and care, such as daily health checks and monitoring, feeding, as well as providing them psychological support.
The University notes that there were also follow-up visits from the UG-ERT and the NCTT to monitor their health during the 14 day mandatory period of quarantine.
All the 94 contacts have since been conveyed to their various destinations.
They have also received the necessary counselling and education on precautionary measures with respect to COVID-19.
Meanwhile the affected student in isolation at a National Quarantine facility is reported to be making steady progress.
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