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Update: How ATAG falsely accused its Former Executive Member, Michael Dzadey as an Imposter in 2020

ATAG VICE CHAIRMAN; Mr Dzadey Sitsofe Micheal

Ferdinand | EducationGhana | April 30| Update: How ATAG falsely accused its Former Executive Member, Michael Dzadey as an Imposter in 2020


A Former Vice-chairman of the All Teachers Alliance Ghana (ATAG), Michael Sitsope Dzadey has been falsely accused by its Union Leadership as an Imposter in 2020, a statement which EducationGhana published on June 07, 2020.

A three-year investigation conducted by EducationGhana‘s Ellis Ferdinand revealed, that the said Michael Sitsope Dzadey was actually a Former Vice-chairman of the All Teachers Alliance Ghana (ATAG).


In a press release issued by the alleged  Vice-chairman on Sunday, 24th of May, 2020, he indicated that the chairman of the association ought to be investigated thoroughly as certain things are not right with his mode of operating the association.

“As the Vice-chairman of the association, I have never seen a copy of the association’s accounts statement, whether the accounts have been audited or not, I’m not aware” he emphasized.

According to him. the chairman of the association has clearly deviated from the main idea based on which the association was formed.

“The association was formed so that the grassroots members would be relieved of any unfavourable treatment by our employees and from what was believed as lackadaisical attitude on the part of the already existing unions in relation to handling problems of teachers. However, contradictory to this motive, the chairman of the association has deviated away from the main motive”, he added.

Mr Dzadey who according to his statements as part of those who registered the association has since from that time not been given a copy of the registration documents upon several requests made from 2016 to date.

He also added that during the time of registration at the Labour Department, he signed as the General Secretary of the association but the chairman forcibly changed his position to Vice-chairman so that he will not be a signatory to the association’s accounts.

ATAG’s Action Against Michael Dzadey


The leadership of the All Teachers Alliance Ghana (ATAG) issued a cautious statement responding to Michael Sitsope Dzadey and describing him as an imposter who the Union said had introduced himself as the Vice Chairman of the Union.

In a statement copied to EducationGhana, and published by EducationGhana on June 07, 2020, the leadership of the union  said certain write-ups and audios bearing the name MICHAEL SITSOFE DZADEY circulating on social media should be treated with all contempt it deserves

”We want to bring to the attention of the entire ATAG members and that of the entire teaching populace that certain write-ups and audios bearing the name MICHAEL SITSOFE DZADEY circulating on social media should be treated with all contempt it deserves.” The Union said.

The Union said Michael Sitsofe Dzadey was not a director in ATAG as well as Vice-Chairman as purported, and not a member of the association let alone becoming the association Vice Chairman.

”Michael Sitsofe Dzadey is not a director in ATAG as well as Vice-Chairman as purported.
He is not even a member of the association let alone becoming the Association Vice Chairman.” The statement said.

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”He is, therefore, an imposter and fraudster who wants to smear the image of others without recourse to evidence. We distance ourselves from the wild claims he is making and disassociate ourselves from those false claims.” They said.

”We want to state that the association doesn’t know him and if he thinks he has certain information he must as well head to court and the association will respond appropriately in the court of justice.”

The Union indicated that as a Registered Trade Union which does not deal with Directors as had been alleged by the alleged imposter.

”The Alliance is doing everything possible to enable Mr Michael Sitsofe Dzadey to answer serious questions in court for using the association’s name for impersonation.” They said.


Ellis Ferdinand’s Findings


In a three-year investigation conducted by Ellis Ferdinand, the findings indicated that Michael Sitsope Dzadey was a true Vice Chairman of the All Teachers Alliance Ghana at the time of the allegations in 2020.

The findings further revealed that Mr Dzadey was part of those who registered the association and has since from that time not been given a copy of the registration documents upon several requests he made to the leadership of ATAG from 2016 to 2020.

The findings further revealed, that during the time of registration at the Labour Department, Mr Dzadey signed as the General Secretary of the association even though the chairman was alleged to have forcibly changed his position to Vice-chairman so that he will not be a signatory to the association’s accounts.

Further details revealed that the ALL Teachers Alliance Ghana was formerly known as the Action Teachers Alliance Ghana of which Mr Dzadey was an Interim General Secretary at the Time of the Registration of the Union as a Labour Union on July 4, 2016.

Below are the Registration Documents of the Association on July 4, 2016 

Update: How ATAG falsely accused its Former Executive Member, Michael Dzadey as an Imposter in 2020 | 1



The evidence above can be concluded as evidence to suggest that Michael Sitsope Dzadey was a member of the All Teachers Alliance Ghana and started as an Interim General Secretary.

There has been no document to support his position as a Vice Chairman but the documents suggesting his position as an Interim Executive Member /Director of the Association at the time the Union was registered suggest that he was not a  non-member of the Union as indicated by the leadership of the Union in 2020.

His statement that he was forcibly moved from General Secrratriship to Vice Chairmanship was not ascertained in our investigation but may not be a yardstick to suggest he was an imposter as indicated by the leadership in 2020.

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