Home Jobs UHAS opens Vacancy for Senior Level Administrative/Academic Positions- Apply Here

UHAS opens Vacancy for Senior Level Administrative/Academic Positions- Apply Here


Ferdinand EducationGhana | March 30 | UHAS opens Vacancy for Senior Level Administrative/ Academic Positions- Apply Here


The University of Health and Allied Sciences (UHAS) invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the following positions to take effect from August 1, 2024:


POSITION 1: Dean of School of Medicine
Reporting to: Vice Chancellor

POSITION 2: Director of Institute of Health Research
Reporting to: Vice Chancellor


The successful applicant must:

a. Be of professorial rank from an academic institution or a person from industry eligible to be appointed as such
b. Capable of providing academic leadership especially in the area of teaching research and extension services in the relevant disciplines
c. Provide evidence of managerial and administrative leadership and capacity to promote a collegial working environment in the School/Institute
d. Demonstrate the capacity to attract funding for research and development
e. Have the vision and drive to oversee the growth and development of the School/Institute


a. The Dean/Director is responsible for providing leadership to the School/Institute and for maintaining and promoting the efficiency and good order in accordance with policies and procedures prescribed by the University Act and Statutes, or as may be determined by the Council and the Academic Board.
b. The Dean/Director is to ensure the approved programmes and functions of the School/Institute are duly carried out by members of the School/Institute.
c. The Dean/Director is also responsible for the general administration of the School/Institute in respect of human, financial and material resources within the general framework of the University policy.


The Dean/Director shall hold office for a term of three (3) years on terms and conditions recommended by the Appointments Board and is eligible for re-appointment for a further term for up to three (3) years.


POSITION 1: Director of Finance
Reporting to: Vice Chancellor


a. Have a good first degree and a Master’s degree in Accounting and Finance.
b. Be a member of the following major professional accountancy bodies or their equivalents:.
• Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ghana (ICA, Ghana)
• Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
• Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and
• Certified Public Accountants (CPA).

c. Be of the rank of Deputy Director of Finance in a University or eligible for appointment as such.
b. Must have a minimum of twelve (12) years relevant post-qualification experience at management level in a large corporate organisation.

In addition, the applicant must have:

i. Considerable strategic, interpersonal and collegial skills that will enable him/her to function within the Higher Education Sector.

ii. Good business sense with a deep understanding and appreciation of strategic and operational issues in higher education.

iii. High-level analytical skills and demonstrable evidence of competence and leadership.


The Director of Finance shall be responsible for:
a. Management of the finances of the University;
b. Preparation of the annual operating budget of the University and related functions;
c. Receiving moneys due the University and making payments on behalf of the University;
d. Ensuring that throughout the University proper books of accounts and records are kept ;
e. Preparation of consolidated accounts of the constituents of the University;
f. Liaising with the relevant Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) on financial matters;
g. Advising on raising funds for the University;
h. Ensuring that the University complies with the Public Financial Management Act, 2016 (Act 921) and other relevant


The person appointed Director of Finance shall hold office for a term of four (4) years and is eligible for re-appointment for a further term of up to four (4) years.


An applicant is required to submit a complete application pack (hard copy) to

The Registrar
University of Health and Allied Sciences
PMB 31 Ho VR Ghana

or by E-mail attachment to: applications@uhas.edu.gh

The application dossier should contain the following:

i. Completed application form for Senior Level Administrative Positions (UAB FORM 1C) downloaded from the University’s website at https://uhas.edu.gh/en/hrd-forms/senior-members
ii. An up-to-date Curriculum Vitae
iii. Names and addresses of three referees
iv. Vision statement of up to three pages (font size 12, single-spaced) indicating how you intend to use the period in office to address relevant issues that will ensure the University achieves its vision and mission.


Applications should reach the Registrar not later than 5 p.m. (GMT) on Friday, 26 April, 2024.

NB: Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

Scheme of Works  

  1. Term 2 JHS 1 TO 3 Sample Weekly  Scheme of Learning >>                Download
  2. JHS 1 Social Studies Termly and  Weekly  Scheme of Learning >>>>       Download
  3. JHS 1 Computing Termly and  Weekly  Scheme of Learning >>                  Download
  4. JHS 1 Science Termly and  Weekly  Scheme of Learning >>>>                  Download
  5. JHS 1 Ghanaian Language Termly and  Weekly SoL >                                 Download
  6. JHS 1 Career Technology Termly and  Weekly  Scheme of Learning >       Download
  7. JHS 1 Mathematics Termly and  Weekly  Scheme of Learning >                 Download
  8. JHS 1 English Language Termly and  Weekly  Scheme of Learning >         Download
  9. JHS 1 French Termly and  Weekly  Scheme of Learning >                          Download
  10. Term 2: Nursery,  KG to Basic 6 Weekly Scheme of Learning               Download 

  11. JHS 3 Second Term Scheme of Learning                                               Download
  12. JHS 2 Second Term Scheme of Learning                                                Download

Visit HERE to check out many more scholarship opportunities.

Get these important resources:

. CCP Curriculum Materials

  1. CCP Curriculum for Basic 7 to 9                                               Download
  2. CCP Curriculum Training Manual for Teachers:                      Download
  3. CCP Curriculum Teacher and Learners Resource Packs:        Download
  4. PowerPoint Presentation on CC Curriculum for Basic 7-9              Download

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Ellis Ferdinand is a Journalist, Blogger and Founder of Ellis Multimedia, a parent company of EducationGhana.org, an Online Education News Blog, PoliticsGhana.com and GhanaNaija.net. Ellis Ferdinand is a Graduate of Accra College of Education and the University of Cape Coast, where he obtained a Diploma In Basic Education and a Bachelor of Education in Accounting. He is currently Reading his Master of Philosophy in Curriculum and Pedagogic Studies at the University of Education, Winneba in Ghana. Ellis Ferdinand won Blogger of the Year at the 2018 National Students’ Awards and was also adjudged 14th Best Ghanain Blogger in 2018 among the Top 50 Ghanaian Bloggers of 2018. He introduced the Concept of Education Blogging in Ghana in 2014 with his famous blog EducationGhana.net. now EducationGhana.org His Blog won Best Media Promoting Education in 2017, 2018 and 2019 respectively, an Award organized by Neogenics Education Consult. In 2019, He adjudged the Most Promising West African Blogger of the Year in Nigeria. He won Writer of the Year at the 2021 EDUCOM AWARDS


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