Teacher Unions list top decisions of GES causing Poor Quality of Education

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    EducationGhana, August 10, Teachers Strike: Teacher Unions in the Ghana Education Service (GES) have listed some specific decisions being neglected by the GES which is gradually causing the poor quality of Education at the Basic and Second Cycle Level.

    The Teacher Unions, namely the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) and the Coalition of Concerned Teachers – Ghana (CCT-GH) made this announcement in a joint statement on August 10, 2021.

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    According to the Unions, in spite of the progress, Ghana has made in improving access to education for all. there are still challenges inhibiting thousands of children.

    According to the unions, The authorities have failed to provide teachers and pupils with modern aids to teaching and learning. Such aids are means of improving the quality of teaching and learning.

    There are:

    1. No textbooks
    2. The school environment is not conducive for learning,
    3. Classes are overcrowded,
    4. The payment of capitation grants and administrative resources are delayed, among others.

    ”The poor quality of education is reflected in students’ results, especially at the first cycle institutions.” The UnioNs said.

    Further Actions

    The Unions indicated, said they are serving notice that if by the close of September 2021,  their requests are not resolved in full by the employer, then they will have no option than to advise ourselves in the best interest of our members within the framework of their Collective Agreement and the applicable laws of Ghana.


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