Home Schools Basic Schools in Ghana Structure and Marking Scheme for English Language Basic 4 National Standardized Test

Structure and Marking Scheme for English Language Basic 4 National Standardized Test

EducationGhana| December 06| Structure and Marking Scheme: The  National Standards Test (NST) assess their knowledge, skills, values and attitudes, which is central to the new pre-tertiary education curriculum.

The National Standards Test is in response to Ghana’s Education Strategic Plan from 2018 to 2030, which prioritizes improving learning outcomes at all levels by creating a national standards-based assessment at the pre-tertiary level, to measure the quality of learning achievements before the end of Junior High School.

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Ghana’s recent Education Strategic Plan, 2018-2030 seeks to:

  • improve equitable access to and participation in inclusive quality education at all levels.
  • improve quality of teaching and learning and STEM at all levels.
  • promote sustainable and efficient management, financing and accountability of education service delivery.

Among the offshoots of the Plan is the introduction of the National Standardized Test (NST) which is to measure the learning outcomes of the educational reform at the basic level. Data collected from the NST would inform policy review and formulation with respect to classroom teaching and learning.

This booklet contains the Regulations, Schemes of Examination and Sample questions for the subjects of the NST that will be taken in Ghana with effect from 2021. The Regulations are meant to guide teachers and learners preparing for the examination.

The Test will be administered to learners in Primary Four (4) at the Basic level. The test will find out the extent to which learners have covered the content of the teaching curricula approved by the Ministry of Education in Ghana. The assessment will measure pupils’ performance in English and Mathematics and will seek to answer the questions;

  • “Are learners achieving a minimum competency or proficiency in English and Mathematics?”
  • “How are learners performing in English and Mathematics as a whole on a national basis?”

Learners going to take the test are expected to acquaint themselves thoroughly with the regulations since they form the basis for taking the test.



  1. Entry for the Test
  • The National Standardized Test will be administered to all learners in Primary Four (4) at the Basic level. It is open to all Public Primary Schools that are duly recognized by the Ministry of Education in Ghana.
  • Heads of School or their representatives are expected to register testees based on official entry documents/guidelines provided by the West African Examinations Council. The generation of index numbers for the test would be done electronically.
  • It is the responsibility of schools to check the correctness of entries made in respect of their candidates.


  1. Materials to be Provided to Testees

Testees will be provided with pencils and erasers for the Test. They are required to shade their answers with pencils.

  1. Issue of Results

The results of the test will be communicated to Metropolitan, Municipal and District officers of the GES, participating Schools and other stakeholders by NaCCA.

  1. Supervision of the Test
    • The test shall be under the control of the Supervisor who shall be responsible to the Council for the proper conduct of the test.
  • The Supervisor will be required to carry out the detailed instructions sent to him with reference to the conduct of the test at the centre. These relate to the distribution of test papers to testees, the collection of scripts at the end of each period, and their despatch to the Council in accordance with the Council’s directives and the maintenance of constant and effective supervision over the testees. It should be ensured that (as much as possible) testees do independent work.

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  1. Instructions to Testees
  • Testees should obey all instructions given by the Supervisors and Invigilators. In particular, they must enter and leave the hall when told to do so.
  • Testees should not give or receive any assistance in answering the test questions.
  • Testees should not talk to other testees inside the examination hall.
  • Testees should not tear any part of their questions papers and answer sheets or answer booklets.
  • Testees must stop work when they are told to do so and must always hand over their answer scripts or answer booklets and question papers to the Supervisors/Invigilators at the end of the test.


  • Testees should not remove any answer booklet or paper from the examination hall. Test papers remain the property of the Council.



The following subjects shall be available to testees taking the National Standardized Test (NST) for Primary 4 pupils from 2021.

Subjects for the test are:

  1. English Language
  2. Mathematics


Structure and Marking Scheme for English Language Basic 4 National Standardized Test

This will be a multiple-choice objective test consisting of 35questions to be answered in one hour and fifteen minutes. The test will be made up of4 sections; Listening Comprehension, Reading Comprehension, Grammar and Writing.

Section A – Listening Comprehension

It will consist of 8 questions. A passage will be read out to the testees after which,the testees would be expected to answer the questions.


Section B – Reading Comprehension

It will consist of 13 questions. It will cover the various strands in the Reading Comprehension Section of the English Language curriculum.


Section C– Grammar

It will consist of 11 questions. It will cover the various strands in the Grammar Section of the English Language curriculum.


Section D– Writing

It will consist of 3 questions. It will cover the various strands in the Writing Section of the English Language curriculum.

Download the Regulations for the National Standardized Test for Basic 4 Learners HERE

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Get the  WAEC Marking Schemes HERE

Get theNaCCA/GES Standard-Based Lesson Plans HERE

Get the Ghana Education ServiceNew Standard–Based Scheme of Learning (SOL)HERE

Get the Ghana Education Service New Standard–Based Curriculum HERE

Get the WAECBECE, WASSCE, NTC Licensure Exam, and Teachers’ Promotion Exam Past Questions HERE

Download Teachers Guide on SBCand CCP Curriculums HERE

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