New Trimester Academic Calendar for KG, Primary and JHS Students for the 2021/22 Academic Year

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EdeucationGhana| January 22| New Trimester KG, Primary and JHS Academic Calendar for the 2021/22 Academic Year: The Ministry of Education and the Ghana Education Service, GES has released a new Academic Calendar for Kindergarten, Primary and JHS Students.

The New Academic Calendar was issued on January 21, 2022, after the public rejection of the previous Academic Calendar which will see students for a Semester system.

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Stakeholder Engagements

A statement issued by the Ministry of Education on January 21, 2022, indicated that following the directives to commence the semester system, the Ministry has received representation from a section of the public and key educational stakeholders to re-instate the Trimester system.

The Ministry added, that after further consultation on the issue, the honourable Minister for Education has directed that the calendar for Kindergarten to the Junior High School for the current academic year should revert to the Trimester system.

Check This Out: UEW 2021/22 First Semester Academic Calendar


New Dates

1ST TERM: 18th January to 14th April 2022 with a 12-week duration.

Vacation Begins from 15th April to 9th May 2022.


2ND TERM: 10TH May to 18th August 2022 with a 14-week duration.

Vacation beings from 19th August to 12th September 2022.


3RD TERM: 13th September to 22nd December 2022 with a 14-week duration.

New Trimester Academic Calendar for KG, Primary and JHS Students for the 2021/22 Academic Year | 1

Download the 2022 basic and shs Academic Calendar HERE

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Prospective Students can also check out the Admission Deadlines for Tertiary Institutions in Ghana as well as their Entry Requirements before Applying.

They can also check the Institions’ cut off pointsandHow to Applyto the various Tertiary Institutions in Ghana as well as the Insitutions’ Fees Schedulesfor any particular Semester or Year.

New Trimester Academic Calendar for KG, Primary and JHS Students for the 2021/22 Academic Year | 2




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