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Basic 2 Learners to write National Standardized Test during the Third Term of the 2021/22 Academic Year


EducationGhana| August 05| Basic 2 Learners to write National Standardized Test during the Third Term of the 2021/22 Academic Year:


Primary two students in public basic schools in Ghana are expected to write a National Standardised Test later this year, Professor Edward Appiah, the Director General of the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA) has said.

The national test will enable the Ministry of Education to generate data on the performance of pupils in English Language and Mathematics.

Check This Out: Structure and Marking Scheme for English Language Basic 4 National Standardized Test


Speaking to Kwaku Nhyira-Addo on The Asaase Breakfast Show on Wednesday, Appiah said the initiative is in line with the implementation of the new curriculum.

“We do Primary 2, Primary 4 and Primary 6. This year we were going to do Primary 2, but the first one was with Primary 4 now we want to do Primary 2 because we think that is where at least we getting the feel of what it is,” he said.

Professor Edward Appiah, the Director general of the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA)
Professor Edward Appiah, the Director general of the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA)

“So that in Primary 3 we can put in some intervention and then we can assess on Primary 4 to see whether there has been some growth and then we move on to Primary 5 if there are more interventions we need to provide and then Primary 6 will be tested again until the exit point.”

Check This Out: Structure and Marking Scheme for Mathematics Basic 4 National Standardized Test

He added: “And it is also on the basis of the fact that this curriculum looks at assessment for learning, which is key, assessment drives learning.”

Ahafo Region ranked best in the national test for primary four pupils

Meanwhile, the Ahafo Region has emerged first in the maiden National Standardised Test for primary four pupils organised by the Ghana Education Service.

The Volta Region was the lowest performing region, with 96% of the primary four pupils falling within the below basic level, 3% attaining basic level and 1% attaining proficiency.

The Western and the Western North regions followed, with 96% and 93%, respectively, of their pupils falling within the below basic level.

Check This Out: Directives on the conduct of the 2021 Basic 4 National Standardized Test


The Eastern, the Upper East and the Western regions followed, with 77, 76 and 72 per cent, respectively, in the below basic level.

Below is the chart for the results in English and Mathematics:


In general, the performance of the pupils in English was fairly better than in Mathematics.

That is, 50% of the pupils were Below Basic level in English, while the other 50% were made up of the BasicProficient and Advanced.

The findings also indicated that primary school pupils were seriously challenged in Mathematics.

62% of the pupils were Below Basic level while the other 38% were made up of the BasicProficient and Advanced.

Check This Out: Basic 4 National Standardized Test Sample Questions

About NST

The National Standardized Test (NST) is for the assessment of curriculum standards including the 4Rs, knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that are central to the new Pre-Tertiary education curriculum.

It also reflects increasing globalization and interest in global mandates. It represents an overall shift in emphasis in assessing the quality of education inputs to learning outcomes and is responsive to some global mandates

Check This Out: Regulations for the National Standardized Test for Basic 4 Learners


All 14,883 primary schools participated in the P4 National Standardized Test (NST) exercise.

According to the Education Strategic Plan 2018-2030, the targeted proficiency for pupils in P4 in Mathematics and English is supposed to be 38 and 53 respectively, by the 2025/26 Academic Year.

Download the Statistics of the 2022 National Standardized Test Results for Basic 4 Learners HERE


Also Important:

Term 2: Nursery, KG to Basic 6 Weekly Scheme of Learning          Download 

Term 2 JHS 1 TO 3 Sample Weekly  Scheme of Learning >>>>           Download

Term 2 Week 1: Basic 7 (JHS 1) Sample Lesson Plans >>>>>            Download

CCP Curriculum Materials for Basic 7 to Basic 9 Subjects >>>             Download

PowerPoint Presentations on CCP Curriculum for Basic 7 to 9              Download

National Pre-Tertiary Learning Assessment Framework >>>                Download

CCP Curriculum Training Manual for Basic 7 to 9 Teachers >>>            Download

CCP Curriculum Teacher and Learners Resource Packs for Basic 7 to 9  Download

Check the SHS Grading System HERE


Download the 2022 basic and shs Academic Calendar HERE

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Prospective Students can also check out the Admission Deadlines for Tertiary Institutions in Ghana as well as their Entry Requirements before Applying.

They can also check the Institions’ cut off pointsandHow to Applyto the various Tertiary Institutions in Ghana as well as the Insitutions’ Fees Schedulesfor any particular Semester or Year.



Get the  WAEC Marking Schemes HERE

Get theNaCCA/GES Standard-Based Lesson Plans HERE

Get the Ghana Education ServiceNew Standard–Based Scheme of Learning (SOL)HERE

Get the Ghana Education Service New Standard–Based Curriculum HERE

Get the WAECBECE, WASSCE, NTC Licensure Exam, and Teachers’ Promotion Exam Past Questions HERE

Download Teachers Guide on SBCand CCP Curriculums HERE

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